Hand Surgeon Questions


Why would my doctor refuse to remove this finger nail? It is clearly deformed and dieing. It turning green! And hecouldnt give me a clear answer. I kinda felt he didn't want to go through the hassle of doing it. ?????? Just wanted to know what someone one else thought. It also broke three bones one in each finger. The pointer and thumb was not injured. It also broke three bones in my hand. Had bone graph and skin graph to ring finger.

Male | 43 years old

2 Answers

While i do not know the specifics of your injury, there are several indicaions to remove the nailplate or even remove the nailbed. More information would be needed. but generally speaking, nail injuries are left for a year after injury to see what the final appearance is before pursuing those options. The green discoloration and drainage are concerning.
I recommend you see a board-certifed fellowship-trained hand surgeon
Dr. L
It is impossible to comment directly on your concerns without more clinical information. and no single photo provides adequate information. It is too difficult for me to see what is occurring here, However I can tell you and others who read this that that a very small hematoma under a fingernail from a fracture does not typically need to be removed or evacuated.