Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions

blocked ear

Hello my name is Alphonse, I had been slapped on my left ear by mistake yesterday and there was a T sound yesterday for quite a bit, no pain no bleeding no dizzyness, the T sound went of in a bit and now I feel blocked in that ear but im sure I can hear in the ear. Also when I pinched my nose and tried to blow air through ears the air was only going through my left ear and not the uneffected ear. what does this mean? Am I going to be deaf on my left ear? what should I do? Im a bit worried. Do I need treatment?

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day

2 Answers

Best to see an ENT physician. Sounds as if youve had a concussion of the inner ear. It can cause permanent hearing loss. You need a hearing test to make thorough ear exam and audiometry. If they offer you tympanometry, and youre paying out of pocket, decline that test, since it is mostly for producing revenue and wont doesnt contribute much to making a diagnosis in your case.
This sounds like a perforated eardrum. Do not get water in your ear as that could lead to an ear infection. Try not to blow air through your ears and let the perforation heal, I would expect your hearing to return to normal in a short time.