Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Obesity

Does being overweight make it harder for me to lose weight?

I'm pretty heavy and I'm only 27 years old. I want to lose some weight but I'm not sure how to go about it. Does being overweight make it harder for me to lose weight?

6 Answers

First, you will need a comprehensive hormonal work-up to rule out any underlying problem making you gain weight or harder for you to lose the extra weight.
Being overweight for any extended period of time does mean that it will be harder for you than for naturally normal weight people to maintain a normal weight. Being overweight means that your “weight setpoint” which is the specific body weight that your body tries to maintain, will be permanently higher. Being overweight means that very likely you metabolism is genetically slower than naturally normal weight people.
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It is slightly harder, but not impossible. If you diet, then you will lose the weight, but you are at risk of gaining it back. If you exercise, then the weight loss from dieting with help keep it off.
It could yes but try to be more strict on diet and exercise and check with your physician if your thyroid function is okay
Yes, it does. You can start by eliminating sugared soft drinks and high fructose containing foods. You need to consume less calories than your body burns every day. You need to see your doctor and a nutritionist to establish that.
Yes it can. When you are overwt. the fat tissue produces hormones that stimulate your appetite & other things that make it harder to lose wt. In addition, when you go on a diet to lose wt. your body thinks there is a famine & changes your metabolic rate making it harder to lose wt. The best way to lose wt. is see a DR. who specializes in that area & get their advice. There are medicines that will help as well as diet & exercise. It can be done. I have lost 25 # in 3 mo. using a drug called a GLP1 along with diet & exercise. Good luck.