Plastic Surgeon Questions

leaking saline implant cause bilateral pleural effusions

Hi I would like to know can a leaking saline implant cause bilateral pleural effusions with can cause mild dependent atelectasis in both lungs?

Female | 43 years old
Complaint duration: 4 years
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

4 Answers

Thanks for your question.
Please see a physician or a surgeon to evaluate your condition. It sounds serious when you have a leak.
Sorry I can't answer your question in general
No, it is very unlikely that these lung issues you are asking about could be caused by saline implants.

- Alberico Sessa, MD Sarasota Surgical Arts 941-923-1736
Most leaking saline implant cases are asymptomatic. That means most people don't even know it's leaking until one side of the breast becomes noticeable smaller. The saline usually gets re-absorbed.
Pleural effusion usually caused by something else. You should be evaluated by your primary care doctor or a pulmonary specialist to make sure it's not something serious.
Not as yet ever seen a plural effusion secondary to a leaking implant. Usually, if you have saline implants and they deflate, they deflate all the way.