Psychiatrist Questions High sex drive

Is the need for having sex everyday abnormal?

I am a 32 year old woman and I feel the urge to have sex everyday. My husband thinks it is not normal for a woman to have such a high sex drive. Is there a problem with me? Which doctor should I consult for this?

14 Answers

It's not a problem unless it becomes destructive in your life such as being unfaithful and ruining your family. In itself a high sex drive is healthy. If your sex drives don't align, you can try to channel it into some other areas such as exercise, creativity etc. Or go to a sex therapist together if your sexual relationship with your husband is not satisfying to find solutions to a happier sex life
Start with your gynecologist.
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I think it would be important to know a clear history of how this developed. Was there a point in time when sex became more important - what is your sexual history and what is the state of your marriage. I would consult a marriage counselor if this is an issue that is causing problems in your relationship.

Tony Stanton, MD
There are many variations in knowing what is a normal sex drive. You can see your OBGYN and get hormones checked.
As long as you don't have any medical problems, it's quite normal for some people to have this much sexual appetite at this prime age as of yours.
This behavior is not necessarily "abnormal." A psychiatrist could determine potential associations as, for example, with mood. A careful assessment would be most beneficial in this case as there are multiple questions to be explored.
There are too many factors determining sex drive to give a simple yes or no answer. If your need is causing stress in your marriage, then I would talk with a marriage counselor.
The old adage is "everything in moderation." If there are no other symptoms, such as addictive sexual behaviors, compulsive masturbation, inability to complete activities of daily living or physical symptoms, then seeking a medical opinion is not a necessity. Women's sexual desire peaks in the 20s to 30s, and if it doesn't interfere with necessary daily tasks, then you shouldn't be worried. However, if the behavior is causing problems with work, relationships, or there are other physical symptoms, then it would be appropriate to see a physician such as an endocrinologist.
Women’s sexual desires peak between the ages of 31 and 33. I do not see your situation as abnormal. If your husband is still concerned, I will recommend a physician that specializes in obstetrics and gynecology. I will NOT recommend any non-physician psychotherapists, including sex therapists.
Thanks for choosing me for an opinion.
32 for a woman is the height of libido. Is there some other need it is filling? Are you feeling loved by your husband otherwise? Does he take the time to be with you when not physically? I am guessing not as that is also 'normal' for men. A good marriage counselor that is not either of your private therapists if you have one can cut to the chase pretty quickly. Men and women were not meant to live together easily.
It's still in the normal range. Usually, one person of a couple wants sex more often than the other. This issue needs to be negotiated. You both probably should go to marital counselling to work this out, but you don't need to see anyone for a good sex drive.

Dr Davis
Different women have different levels of sex drive which can also be influenced by hormone levels. You should start with your primary care provider or GYN if you are concerned about your sex drive.
No. The desire varies from individual to individual with good physical and good mental health.
Oh dear. At 32 you are not yet in your sexual prime. Many people desire sex once...or twice a day. Your husband may have a much lower libido than you do. Or...many men approach sex as a performance. His "job" is to help you reach orgasm. If that doesn't happen, he (men in general) may feel like a failure. He may be tired, stressed out from work. I have found that an open, creative conversation works wonders. The issue is about communication. From what you've written, there is nothing wrong with you.