Hospice and Palliative Care Specialist Questions Hospice Care

What should I know about palliative care?

I'm 67 and have a cardiovascular disease. As I am getting older, I'm starting to think about palliative care. What should I know about it before I make a decision about receiving this type of care?

1 Answer

Palliative care is designed around managing your symptoms. Hospice care is a small subset of palliative care that is provided when life expectancy is about 6 months or less if the disease runs its usual course. You may need to know:

1. The stage your disease process
2. How this disease process is affecting your day to day physical functioning
3. How this disease process is affecting your cognitive functioning
4. How often you are utilizing ED and hospital visits in relation to the disease process that you are suffering in last few months or a year.
5. How effective is current management plan.
6. What resources are available where you live

What is the goal of your health care planning? With an understanding that the disease process may not be curable. For further details, please reach out to your primary care to receive more resources.
Hope this is helpful.