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Does an impacted tooth require surgery?

I have an impacted tooth in the back of my mouth, by my molars. Does an impacted tooth usually require surgery?

How is TMD diagnosed?

What is the diagnostic procedure for TMD? Are there any risk factors for it?

What is the treatment for an irregular jawline?

My jawline looks physically irregular, and I need to have this treated. Is there anything available for it?

Can facial birth defects be treated with oral surgery?

Is there a treatment for facial birth defects, like a cleft lip? What is the right age to start this surgery?

I need surgery on two impacted wisdom teeth. How long is the recovery after this procedure?

I have a wedding to attend the week after my surgery to removed 2 impacted wisdom teeth. Is a week long enough to recover from the procedure? Will I be able to eat the (great!)...

Do I need to have my wisdom teeth removed?

All of my wisdom teeth came in, and they're all kind of painful (the pain is really on and off). Do I really need to have them removed? What happens if I don't have them removed?...

How are crossbites treated?

I have a problem with crossbites, and it's really bothering me. How is this usually treated? And if I don't get it treated, could I experience any complications?

I'll be having surgery to rebuild my jaw. Am wondering about length of procedure and anesthesia management during surgery.

I am scheduled to have maxillofacial surgery on my jaw, which needs to be rebuilt somewhat due to an old jaw fracture. How long will the jaw procedure be, and will an anesthesiologist...

My wisdom teeth haven't come in. Is this normal?

I'm 22 years old and my wisdom teeth haven't come in yet. Is this normal?

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