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Is it true that naturopathy medicines only work with the right diet?

I have been told that for naturopathy medicines to work, a proper diet has to be followed. Is this true?

What should I do to bring down my bad cholesterol?

I recently did a blood test that indicated that my bad cholesterol level is much higher than the normal range and my good cholesterol level is very low. What should I do to bring...

Do naturopathic diets create a lot of acidity?

I am planning to undertake a naturopathic diet, but I am told it causes a lot of acidity and headaches. Is this true? If yes, how can it be managed?

Is there a specific diet to be followed when trying to conceive?

I am a 32 year old woman and I am trying to conceive my first baby. I am on folic acid tablets, but is there a specific diet that can help me conceive faster?

How healthy are nutrition bars that are available in the market these days?

I have been been wanting to switch to nutrition bars to be a little more healthy. But, how healthy are they? Is there anything I should be checking on their label to be sure...

In a month, how often can I go on a detox diet?

I just did a one day fasting diet and it helped me feel much lighter. In a month, how often should I go on a detox diet?

Is a naturopathic diet recommended in summers?

I have read that doing a naturopathic diet during summers can leave one dehydrated and weak. Is this true? Any precautions to keep in mind when doing a detox during summers?...

What food groups should be avoided for those suffering from celiac disease?

I have recently been diagnosed with celiac disease, but all I really know about the treatment is that I need to follow a strict gluten-free diet. What are the food groups that...

Is honey safe for kids?

I have been reading a lot of articles that say that honey is not good for kids and that it can lead to infections. Is it true?

What are the foods to be avoided with gout?

I am 40 years old and I have been recently diagnosed with gout. Are there specific foods that I should avoid to help with some of my symptoms? What are the supplements that I...

How can I get my daughter to eat healthier foods?

My daughter is 3 years old and enjoys junk food including chocolates and chips. It worries me to think about the effect this food can have on her body and teeth. What can I do...

I am working out heavily still not losing weight. What could be the reason?

I am working out heavily every day and I am also very strict about my diet. I don’t know why I am still not losing weight. Could there be an issue with my digestion or absorption...

Is turmeric really effective in controlling the blood flow?

I read in a recent article that turmeric can really help in controlling blood flow and can easily help avoid clotting. Is it really true?

Are there any foods that can help in increasing the hemoglobin levels in the body?

Of late, I feel very tired and weak and I am wondering if it is because of low hemoglobin levels in the body. Are there any natural foods that could increase the iron and hemoglobin...

Can certain foods cause a smell in the urine?

I read an article on how certain foods like asparagus and garlic could transfer a certain smell to the urine. Is this true? How does food smell come to the urine in spite of...

Is my vitamin b12 deficiency from my change in diet?

Recently, I altered my diet to include less meat and dairy protein sources. I just went to the doctor and learned I am slightly low in vitamin b12. Is this from my dietary changes?...

Weight loss in an older person

My mom is 90. She has lost a lot of weight in the last year. She is pretty healthy otherwise, she just doesn't want to eat. Should she try an appetite stimulant?

Natural Appetite suppressant

Is there such a thing as a natural appetite suppressant? I want to lose weight but I don't want to take a drug.

Is my vitamin b12 deficiency from my change in diet?

Recently, I altered my diet to include less meat and dairy protein sources. I just went to the doctor and learned I am slightly low in vitamin b12. Is this from my dietary changes?...

Is protein powder safe for a protein deficiency?

I just found out I have a protein deficiency. Can I rely on protein powders alone, should I supplement them with natural sources or protein, or should I not use powders at all?...

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