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What age is a geriatric patient?

My mom is 80 years old and is starting to experience symptoms of dementia. Like, for instance, she sometimes forgets her pills or takes more pills than she needs to. Should we...

What's the treatment for osteoporosis?

My grandmother wasn't experiencing osteoporosis until she fell and had a bone fracture. The doctor only told us that she should change her diet and take vitamins and supplements....

What supplements help osteoporosis in elderly patients?

My grandmother is 70 years old and her bones are just getting weaker and weaker as she continues to age. Her doctor suggested that she has osteoporosis, but didn't officially...

Are falls a common risk of Parkinson's disease?

My grandmother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and her symptoms are very severe. Are falls a common complication of this disorder?

Do I need to adjust my house for mother's Parkinson's disease?

My mother was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and she was diagnosed once her symptoms started to become severe. We moved her into my house because she's 80 years old and I...

What can high blood pressure cause for elderly patients?

My grandfather is 70 years old, and he has serious issues with high blood pressure. Right now he's on Lozol. If he isn't able to manage his blood pressure, how dangerous could...

What can my grandmother do about diaper rash?

My grandmother started to wear diapers for her incontinence (her doctor recommended it), and now she has a rash from wearing them. What's the best way to get rid of the rash?...

How dangerous is low blood pressure for elderly patients?

My grandmother recently had a doctor's appointment and she was found with low blood pressure (I'm not sure of the exact numbers). She's 80 years old, but doesn't seem worried...

Is talk therapy effective for geriatric depression?

My grandmother had depression ever since my grandfather died, and it's affecting her everyday routine. She takes Prozac for her depression, but it's not working. Do you think...

How long do people stay in the hospital for pneumonia?

My mother has been in the hospital for at least week with pneumonia, and it seems like she's getting better. But the hospital insists on keeping her because of her age. She's...

Should I switch my mother's doctor to a geriatrician?

My mother is nearing 70 years old, and we still both go to the same doctor. I think she should go to someone who specializes in patients her age, but she doesn't get what the...

Hot flashes after menopause. Normal?

My mother is 70-years-old, and went through menopause when she was 55 years old. However, even though she's in seventies, she's still experiencing hot flashes. Is this normal?...

What are the first symptoms of dementia?

I think my grandmother is already showing signs of dementia--like memory loss and forgetting where she placed her keys. But I'm not really too sure. She's still young, like in...

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