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Privacy and confidentiality with caregivers

I am a caregiver for a man in his older 50s with early-onset Alzheimer's. He will be seeing a psychiatrist soon. How much will I be able to know about this in terms of privacy...

Do psychologists ever have a "time frame" in mind?

I know that some people choose to utilize therapy for years while others utilize it as a short-term fix. When a psychologist meets with someone, do they ever have a time frame...

My father needs help but doesn't want to live in a home - what can I do?

My father is 81. He moves around pretty well but has a ton of memory issues and sometimes forgets where he is. We live two hours away and I can't help him all that much. How...

How can I get over a fear of going to a psychologist?

I really want to go to a psychologist, but I'm embarrassed and fearful of immediately closing up when I meet with them. How can I overcome this? I feel stuck.

Is negative thinking a disease?

I am slowly turning into a very negative person and I seem to have negative thoughts running on my mind for almost no reason. Am I suffering from a disease or is it just a phase?...

I think I started binge eating. Is it a mental disorder?

I am an 18-year-old girl and all of a sudden I find myself eating a lot of junk at odd hours. The urge to eat is beyond my control and as a result I have gained 15 kgs. in 4...

Why is my child all of a sudden losing interest in his schoolwork?

My son is 8 years old and had been a diligent student since kindergarten. He was self-motivated and mostly self-sufficient, however recently he has been neglecting his focus on...

How is religion dealt with in therapy?

I am curious about how therapists approach religion. Should religion be mentioned to a therapist? Will it affect the session(s)?

Why does my son all of a sudden "hate" school?

I know it's kind of normal for kids to start hating school at a certain age, but my son is only 9 years old and very suddenly has started trying to refuse to go to school in the...

Hypnosis to quit smoking?

I've seen of people utilizing hypnosis for many things, including to quit smoking or other addictions. Some people say it doesn't do anything while a few claim it has done wonders...

Nightmares stopped but have returned. What can I do?

I was diagnosed with PTSD 10 years ago after the death of a family member. Right after that and for months in a row, I had really bad nightmares, to the point where I'd avoid...

Do therapists lead therapy sessions or do I?

I have anxiety (not officially diagnosed but it interferes with my everyday life) and I am considering therapy. I'd much rather have a format where the therapist takes the lead...

Can my psychologist talk to anyone else about me?

Recently I had an appointment with my psychologist where I shared a lot. I'm worried about my information being discussed elsewhere. What is the confidentiality policy like for...

Is laughing gas ok for someone with anxiety?

Next month I'm getting all 4 wisdom teeth taken out. My dentist says it should be fairly quick and simple, so they decided not to put me under. But, I have anxiety and am nervous...

I think I may be depressed. What do I do?

I retired 6 months ago and have been experiencing ongoing symptoms of depression. Where can I turn for help?

Sudden mental fatigue--what can it be?

I've noticed that I am not able to put as much emotional and mental effort into many tasks, and I fear this will start to happen at my job. What can I do?

At night, thinking prevents me from sleeping. Can I do anything about it?

It normally takes me 1-2 hours to finally fall asleep at night. I can't stop thinking and it's hard for me to divert my thoughts. Why does this happen and how can I stop it from...

Dealing with pain anxiety depression

How does one find a dr who will address these, especially the anxiety part without treating you as an addict? Ive known for thirty years what helps in my fibro treatment. ....

I'm having some severe chest pain with anxiety. Is this dangerous? What could it be?

I suffer from anxiety, but recently I noticed it comes with severe and sharp chest pain. Is this normal? What can I do to prevent it?

I think I may be depressed. What do I do?

I retired 6 months ago and have been experiencing ongoing symptoms of depression. Where can I turn for help?

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