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What causes an asthmatic child to wheeze?

My daughter is 14 years old and has asthma, for which she has an inhaler. I noticed how much she wheezes even when she uses the inhaler to help her. What causes an asthmatic...

Why is my chest x-ray clear when I had a cough for 1 month?

I've had my chest x-ray and the results are clear. I've had a cough for 1 month, why is this happening?

Why does pneumonia cause coughing?

My 14-year-old son has pneumonia along with a really bad cough. He coughs so much that he ends up having issues breathing. Why does pneumonia cause coughing like this?

Can I smoke before a pulmonary functioning test?

I do want a fair test, but I'm a heavy smoker. And if I'm nervous, I need to have a cigarette to calm my nerves. What are the consequences of smoking before a pulmonary functioning...

Is a bronchoscopy painful?

I need to have a bronchoscopy next week to find out why I have a persistent cough. Is this procedure painful?

Can exercise cause one to cough?

I just began exercising seriously, and every time I run, I start coughing pretty hard. Can exercise cause one to cough like this? I don't usually have issues breathing like this....

What asthma symptoms should I look for in my children?

My son is 3 years old, and I think he might be asthmatic because he gets out of breath so easily. What asthma symptoms should I look for in my children?

Is there a way to treat bronchitis at home?

My daughter said that she has acute bronchitis after going to the doctor. She's taking the medicine and stuff that he gave her. But are there other ways to treat bronchitis at...

Why do I wheeze after running?

I'm 23. Usually after high intensity cardio workouts, like running, I wheeze and sometimes cough because I'm so out of breath. Why could this be happening?

What would cause you to cough up blood?

I'm 30, and I've had a persistent cough for some weeks. Yesterday I coughed up a little blood. What would cause one to cough up blood? Should I see a doctor?

What causes chronic bronchitis?

My doctor told me that I have chronic bronchitis, and I thought this was a disease only smokers get. I never smoked in my life. What could cause this?

What medications are best for the treatment of asthma?

My son has asthma. I want to know what medications are best for the treatment of asthma symptoms? What are their side effects?

What is a lung lesion?

Chest x-ray shows that I have a lesion on my right lung. What does this usually mean? Could this be cancer?

What is the best way to treat pneumonia symptoms?

My son is 5 years old and was diagnosed with pneumonia. His doctor prescribed him azithromycin to help treat it. Is there anything that I should do, alongside his prescription,...

Who is at risk of getting COPD?

I have a family history of COPD, and I currently smoke. I'm 45 years old, and have been smoking for at least 10 years. Am I at a higher risk of getting COPD? What should I do...

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