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What causes one to focus on negative thoughts?

I'm 22 years old. I don't think I have depression or a more serious mental illness but I do find myself feeling down often. It's like I'm always having negative feelings about...

Why does my sister get so angry at times?

My sister is 19, and her anger has gotten worse over the years. Her doctor said that she's depressed and had put her on meds, but they don't really help her. What else could...

How do I prepare to speak to a psychologist about my depression?

There are many things on my mind and I want to make sure I cover all the details in the session. How do I prepare to speak to a psychologist about my depression?

Do my partner and I need relationship counseling?

We've been together for over 10 years and nothing we do seems to help. We've been fighting over very small issues, almost constantly. Like what we're going to eat for dinner,...

What can I do to help me overcome depression?

I'm 37, and I've been divorced for about a year now, separated for a year and a half. I still am really depressed over it. I don't like going out, and I'm pretty much isolated...

What is generalized anxiety disorder?

I'm 45 years old, and I recently spoke with my doctor about some issues I've been having lately. He said it sounds like I have generalized anxiety disorder, but we didn't expand...

Do couples who undergo behavior therapy stay together?

My husband and I are having a lot of issues that are affecting my marriage. Will behavior therapy help us stay together?

Should my child attend our divorce counseling sessions?

My husband and I are getting a divorce, and our child is 7. Should we take him to counseling, or is he too young? We want him to understand why we are getting the divorce and...

Is talk therapy effective for geriatric depression?

My grandmother had depression ever since my grandfather died, and it's affecting her everyday routine. She takes Prozac for her depression, but it's not working. Do you think...

Do you have to be married for couples therapy?

My boyfriend and I aren't married, but we're both considering couple therapy or counseling to work on our relationship. But we haven't heard of any non-married couples going to...

Is Talkspace actually effective?

I've been seeing ads all over the place for Talkspace, which is an app for online counseling. I can't really afford the therapists/counselors in my area, and I really think I...

How successful is marriage counseling?

My husband and I have been at each other's throats, and at times, I just want to call it quits. But I love him, and I still want to try and make it work. The reason why we argue...

What is family-based therapy like for eating disorders?

My daughter was diagnosed with anorexia recently, and we're looking into various therapies that can help her. We are considering sending her to rehab center, but we want to do...

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