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If I sprained my Achilles tendon, will it likely tear in the future?

I think I sprained my Achilles tendon when I was rock climbing yesterday. If it's sprained and I don't treat it the right way, is it likely that it will tear in the future?

Does eating help muscles heal?

I'm a 24-year-old woman and a fitness freak. I tore a muscle while rowing recently, and am trying to speed the healing process as much as possible. What kind of diet is optimal...

What can I do with my knee pain?

I'm 30 years old, and I have had really bad knee pain for the past 3 months. I haven't gotten it treated because I felt it wasn't serious. But, what should I do to relieve this...

Can not stretching before I ran have caused my hip to hurt?

I'm 20 years old and I run a lot for exercise. Yesterday, I didn't stretch before running and now my hip hurts whenever I move my leg. Could not stretching cause my hip pain?...

Why do my muscles get so tight after I exercise?

I'm 22 years old, and I exercise 4 days a week. Or try to anyway. I noticed that every time after I'm done, my muscles are extremely tight. What can I do to avoid this? Why...

Ice for a sprain?

My son sprained his ankle while playing basketball with his friends, and now that he's home I'm not sure about what I can do to help him soothe it. Is ice the best thing for a...

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