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How should one deal with an allergy to dust?

My daughter is 11 years old and she has an allergy to dust. How should one deal with an allergy to dust?

What can I do with my son's seasonal allergy?

My son is 11 years old and he has seasonal allergy in the spring. What can I do with my son's seasonal allergy?

Are allergy shots safe?

My son is 8 years old and he has an allergy to tomatoes where he breaks out in hives. His reaction doesn't happen all the time though. Should we try allergy shots?

Can certain foods trigger coughing?

Is it possible for certain foods to trigger a fit of coughing? I have noticed that when my son eats sweet dried fruit it seems to coincide with a lot of dry coughing. Can certain...

Can allergies cause one's body temperature to rise?

My teenage son has severe seasonal allergies ever since we moved to a new city, and this week he started to run a fever. Can allergies raise your body temperature?

Are there any allergy shots for seasonal allergies?

I'm 23 years old and my seasonal allergies a lot worse this year than any other. My eyes are always itchy and red, and often I feel stuffed up. Are there any allergy shots for...

Allergies or hives?

My son has rash all on his arm and he always scratching it. What does it mean?

How do you know if you're allergic to cosmetics?

I'm 24 years old, and I recently tried a new type of makeup, but it gave me a bad reaction on my face, like a rash. Does this mean I had an allergic reaction?

Is an allergy responsible for son's hives?

My son is 9 years old, and he's been getting hives in various areas of his body and we aren't sure of what it's from. Could these hives be from some allergy?

Can you outgrow a dog allergy if you're around dogs?

I used to get allergic reactions to my dogs but now I feel like I might have developed an immunity to them? When they lick me, I no longer break out in hives. Is it possible...

Can my son have soy milk if he has a dairy allergy?

My son was diagnosed with a dairy allergy. Whenever he has cow milk, he gets hives or rashes, but I still want him to get the nutrients he needs from milk. Can he have soy milk...

Why is my son allergic to citrus fruits?

My son is 8 years old, and we found out that he is allergic to citrus fruits. There's no one in my family with this allergy. What could have caused it in him?

Can I take Advil and Cetirizine tablets at one time?

During an allergic reaction, can I take Advil and Cetirizine tablets at one time? What happens when I take both at the same time?

What does anaphylactic shock look like?

My daughter's friend has a peanut allergy and is coming over later to play with her. We're very careful with keeping nuts away from her. But in case it ever happens, what are...

Tested positive for allergy, but never had reaction. Normal?

An allergy test showed that I had an allergy to soy products, but I never really had a reaction to it before. Not that I recall, anyway. Does this happen often?

Is this an allergy?

Itchy in thighs and arms throughout the night. Have consulted doctor and he prescribed me some medicines and injections but same thing happen again after completing course for...

How are seasonal allergies diagnosed?

I believe my son has seasonal allergies that begin once spring begins. When spring hits, he usually has similar symptoms to a cold. What's usually done to diagnose seasonal allergies...

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