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Motorcycle burn?

I got burnt on my leg from my motorcycle's tailpipe. The tailpipe was rusted I used antibacterial cream should I also clean it with peroxide it's two days later and it's starting...

Blood spots?

I woke up with my legs like this and they bleed.

Mysterious bruises?

I keep getting random bruises on my arms and legs that I have no idea what I would have hit to cause them. I never had issues with bruising and am not one to bruise easily. I...

Finger still swollen 1 month after nail avulsion?

I crushed my thumb in a car door, and after days of swelling, getting the hole in my nail, and using Tylenol, I finally got my nail removed. It's now been almost a month since...

Why is my left palm itchy?

My left palm is super itchy and it doesn't stop. It's been going on and off for years and it did go away. It has been back and off for the last year again and now it feels like...

Rash on face and torso?

I have a rash that will not go away on my face, as well as front and back torso. It's red and itchy and on my face around my nose it get crusty. I have used Eucerin and hydrocortisone...

Circular patches on skin?

These patches are appearing on my legs and arms. They first start as a spot and then develop into the patches. New patches appear on my skin every week and it's spreading. What...

Skin melanoma?

Hi, I have a small mark that appeared a while back, occasionally it is very itchy in the area. Could it be melanoma?

Thin skin?

l am 22 year male, and my skin is becoming thin, especially on my hands and palm after a bath. I have a pruney finger due to 2 years back, atenolol tablet overdose poisoning side...

Bug bite or rash identification?

3 days ago after working on brush removal I noticed some small reddish pinpricks or dots on my shoulders. Although I was wearing long sleeves, I thought perhaps it was from handling...

How to stop itchiness?

I have itchy skin and it’s burning for the past 2 days. It has been very itchy I have small bumps all over my body.

Can it be melanoma?

I have noticed a large black spot on my heel a week ago. It's not painful, it's not difficult to walk or stand but I don't remember having any kind of trauma or having an injury...

Suspected Photoallergic Reaction to Tattoo Removal?

I am a 21 year old white female with a suspected photoallergic reaction to tattoo removal of red ink and looking for a treatment plan. Removal session was done on December 6,...

Poison Ivy in my mouth and throat?

I just did my last round of chemo for her two positive breast cancer I was in some Poison Ivy the other day. I went to the emergency room because it was in my nose now, it is...

Skin and digestion?

Hi. I have been getting really itchy bumps on my stomach for the past two or three weeks and now it is spreading to my legs. And I have had diarrhea for the past few days but...

Skin tags?

Have you ever heard of a skin tag growing out of a mole? The mole has been there since birth. The skin tag is about 7 months old.

Acne on back and chest?

I got acne on my back, shoulders, and chest is full of acne after body wax. I'm so scared. My legs are full of dark dots from where the hair was waxed. Please suggest me some...

Related to chickenpox?

I am a 19 year old female patient. I started to blister, then on the left side of the head and face was some sensitivity for 10 days.

Mole abnormality?

I just noticed a mole on my back because I scratched it and it bled. It’s been there for years. Nothing has changed that I’ve noticed.

Can you get new moles in your early 30s?

About a year ago or so, I noticed a bunch of new moles on my back. I didn’t think anything of it and assumed it was just something that happened as you got older. But they were...

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