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Can medications fix flu?

I have flu. Can medications fix flu?

How to fix nausea after colon surgery?

I feel nauseous after colon surgery. How to fix nausea after colon surgery?

Can nasal fungal infection be fixed?

I was diagnosed with a nasal fungal infection. Can nasal fungal infection be fixed?

Can I drink wine in the third trimester?

I am in my third trimester. Can I drink wine in the third trimester?

How long is the treatment for anemia?

I have anemia. How long is the treatment for anemia?

Can pneumonia be fixed with medications?

I have pneumonia. Can pneumonia be fixed with medications?

What helps with pain after hand surgery?

I had hand surgery 2 days ago and it hurts. What helps with pain after hand surgery?

Can flu be prevented?

My friends have flu. I don't want to get infected. Can flu be prevented?

Is surgery necessary for appendicitis?

I was diagnosed with appendicitis. Is surgery necessary for appendicitis?

Do you need general anesthesia for a heart stent?

I need to get a heart stent. Do you need general anesthesia for a heart stent?

Do you need surgery after a heart attack?

My friend had a heart attack yesterday. Do you need surgery after a heart attack?

What is the treatment for weak heart muscle?

My daughter was diagnosed with weak heart muscle. What is the treatment for weak heart muscle?

Coughing and tightness in chest

I have been dealing with a dry cough and chest tightness for about a week. I can't laugh hard without having to cough. I figured it was just congestion since I have been coughing...

Taking two medications

I have a Quick question please ,? ? I'm ADHD, I've take 20mg Adderall for 3 years. . Now medications have changed. . ? ? Is it safe to take methylphenidate and Eliquis (blood...

Drug test question

What does this mean and or stand for? 1. Urine Collection - 4106 - 9DSP/NO EXP OPI/NO THC/PHN (4106)

Tingling In My Face

I was recently diagnosed with a vitamin D deficiency of 18. I been tingling in my face off and on for about a week.

Osteochondroma question

I supposedly have an osteochondroma behind my right tibia and fibula. It has two cartilage caps, and supposedly they are only supposed to have one. I cannot find anywhere about...

Hard lump presumingly a lymph node

I have had a hard spot between my jaw and ear. It doesn’t hurt but i can’t move it like a normal lymph node. I’ve had it for about a year and a half. I have been told by family...


My testicles are red and swollen. Hurt and painful

Chest pain and higher back pain.

I am male 16 years old and today im home from school because my higher back hurts alot and also my chest area, especially when i breathe. Ive had it for like two days but i had...

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