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Is there a natural way to treat insomnia?

I am unable to get proper sleep at night. I end up drinking coffee due to this and mornings are tiring. It's a cycle. Is there a natural way to treat this issue?

Can snoring be associated with a health problem?

My husband snores a lot in sleep. Is this the sign of a health problem? I think he's breathing okay but it just sounds so uncomfortable.

I have weird thoughts at night that prevent me from getting a good night's sleep. What should I do?

At night, I have been experiencing hallucinations and strange thoughts, which are preventing me from getting a good night's sleep. What should I do about it?

Is there a way to control sleepwalking?

My daughter is 12 years old and I've noticed that she's been sleepwalking, which is something that she has never done before. I only know the basics about it, like not waking...

When is a person recommended to take sleeping tablets?

My father is 72 years old and is unable to sleep well at night. Can the doctor prescribe sleeping tablets for him?

Is there a connection between lack of sleep and constipation?

Every night when I am unable to sleep well, I end up with constipation the next day. Is it normal?

How can I manage sleep apnea for my mother who is 70 years old?

My mom is 70 years old and has been diagnosed with sleep apnea. Although the doctor has prescribed some medications, it is only causing excessive drowsiness. I'm concerned for...

My BP medicine is causing me to sleep too much. What should I do?

I am a 67 year old man and I have recently started blood pressure medication. However, this medicine is causing drowsiness for me and making me very sleepy. I now sleep 10 hours...

Can inadequate sleep cause physical changes in the brain?

Each night I take at least 45 mins to fall asleep. Usually I get up once to go to the bathroom and take another 45-ish minutes to fall asleep after that. It is frustrating....

Is yoga helpful in treating sleep disorder?

I am 17 years old and I am having a problem getting the right amount of sleep. This is making me feel very tired throughout the day. Do you think practicing yoga can help me...

Is it considered safe to be on sleep medicines for over eight months?

My mother is having trouble getting the right amount of sleep and is on Venlafaxine 37. 5 75 mg, Arip MT 5 mg, Pacitane 2 mg and Lonazep 0. 25 medications. She has been taking...

I am traveling next week to a foreign country. Is Zolfresh safe for regulating my sleep cycle?

I am traveling to a foreign country for work and the time difference is over 14 hours. I have meetings lined up throughout my visit, so I need to make sure that I'm getting the...


I have tried several prescriptions and everything I try including over the counter make me feel like I haven't slept and hungover. I am 78 and it is taking its toll on me. I...

Sleep apnea

I am going for more tests Wednesday for my sleep apnea which I definitely know I have. Could I just buy a CPAP machine myself instead of waiting because I ain’t slept properly...

Mask leaks

My husband is using a CPAP machine. He has adjusted well and the machine shows one or two stops (apneas) most nights. However the machine often shows mask leaks. Does this matter...

Mouth guards

Which is more productive, the mouth piece or the sleep machine?

Child wakes up screaming every 40 minutes

My child is 3 years old and will not sleep more than 1 hour at a time. She wakes up approximately every 40 minutes and is crying. I am starting to think there is something wrong...

Sleep problems and Alzheimer's

My mother has Alzheimer's (mild to moderate). I am her main caregiver. She is not sleeping well. How can I best help her?

I don't sleep well, Any help?

I am a woman who is going through menopause. I can't sleep! I am so tired all the time. Is there any natural remedy that can help me? I don't want to take sleeping pills.

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