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How can I treat diarrhea?

I've had diarrhea for the last 2 weeks, basically every other day. I'm starting to get worried and want to stop it. How can I treat it?

How strict does my diet have to be with type 2 diabetes?

I've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 2 months ago. I'm 34 and don't know anything about it. So, how strict my diet has to be now with this condition?

Am I lactose intolerant?

I noticed that I have digestion problems and that my stomach hurts whenever I drink milk and have dairy products. Am I lactose intolerant?

Can drinking more water help with digestion?

I have a very poor digestion and heard that drinking more water can be helpful. Is this true?

Is it normal to have low sex drive at 22?

I'm 22 and have a really low sex drive. My best friend says that this is weird at this age. Is it normal to have a low sex drive at 22?

Why do I need to stay out of the sun with lupus?

I'm 21 and I was just recently diagnosed with lupus. But, one of my doctor's recommendations was to stay out of the sun as much as I can. I thought this was very weird. Why...

If you get HPV, will you have it for the rest of your life?

I'm afraid that I will get HPV because I am sexually active. I am using protection, but you never know. If you get HPV, do you have it for the rest of your life? Or does it...

How can I lower my cholesterol level?

I'm 45, and my doctor told me that my cholesterol level is very high. What are some ways to lower my cholesterol?

Can I start smoking again when my ulcer is cured?

I'm 40 years old and I used to smoke daily. But, because of my ulcer, I made myself stop until I found that it was completely cured. Is it okay to start smoking again now?

Can people with atrial fibrillation get laser spider vein removal?

I'm 45, and I have atrial fibrillation that I really have to be careful about. There's spider veins on my chest, and I need to get rid of them. Can people with atrial fibrillation...

Is low ferritin related to breathing problems?

I recently had routine blood work done, and my doctor saw that my ferritin level was low. He thinks that this has something to with my shortness of breath. Is a low level of...

Can a person get diabetes at any age?

I'm only 19 years old and I was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. It took a while to get my diagnosis because I'm not really overweight. . . but I do have diabetes in my family....

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