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Is open MRI as good as closed?

My son is terribly claustrophobic and my doctor has him scheduled for a closed MRI scan. I heard of open MRIs and I feel like this would be a lot better for him. Are open MRIs...

Is a chest x-ray safe for my baby?

My baby is 9 months old and his doctor wants him to have a chest x-ray because of persistent cough. But is a chest x-ray safe?

Is an MRI with contrast safe for kids?

My son needed to have an MRI with contrast to diagnose his kidney stones, but I'm worried that this is going to have some type of negative side effect on him. He's not experiencing...

Is my son getting too many x-rays?

So far to identify his stomach pain, my son had 3 x-rays on separate occasions in the past year. I feel like this is too many, and I'm worried about the exposure to radiation....

Is anesthesia needed during MRI scan?

My son needs to have an MRI scan. Is it painful? Is anesthesia needed during MRI scan? Or is anesthesia only given if he's anxious and can't stay still?

Is it safe for a 10 year old child to have an MRI performed?

My son will have MRI scan performed. I am afraid of unnecessary radiation. Does MRI use radiation? Is it safe for 10 year old child to have an MRI performed?

Is an MRI scan safe for children?

My son is 9 year old and needs to have a head MRI with contrast after taking a really bad fall that caused a concussion. He has a severe headache and his symptoms seem like they're...

What can I do to make my son comfortable with this CT scan?

My son needs to have a CT scan on his head, but I can tell he's a little nervous. He also isn't a fan of tight spaces. Is there anything that I can do, or that the technician...

Are MRIs safe for infants?

My daughter is only 2-years-old and is going to get an MRI because she's been experiencing these strange headaches. While, of course, I want to know why these headaches are happening,...

What are safe radiation levels for children?

My son needs to have an X-ray for an injury to his ankle. Should I be concerned about the amount of radiation an X-ray has?

What does a chest scan reveal for a cough?

My doctor wants me to have a chest scan because of a chronic cough that I've been dealing with for the past two weeks. My sinuses do feel. . . off, and he feels like a scan would...

Why should I have my son go to a pediatric radiologist?

My son needs to have a CT scan, but instead of going to a regular radiologist, his doctor referred us to a pediatric radiologist. What would a pediatric radiologist do differently?...

Are children sedated for scans like CAT?

My child needs to have a CAT scan but is extremely nervous about it (frankly, I don't blame them). Are children typically sedated for CAT scans when they're really anxious about...

I feel an aching pain in my leg. What tests will be done to find the cause?

I have an aching, dull pain in my leg. It almost feels like a pull. What tests should I have done to find the cause?

Can chemotherapy radiation harm my child's skin?

My son is undergoing chemotherapy. Can the radiation harm his skin?

Is an MRI scan painful?

I am scheduled to get an MRI scan done but I am scared since I am doing this for the first time. Is this scan painful?

How does interventional radiology work?

I'm thinking about going into interventional radiology after I complete my degree. How does interventional radiology work?

My son has been having bad headaches. His neurologist is sending him to a radiologist. What can we expect next?

My 12 year old son has been complaining of sharp headaches over the last few weeks. I took him to see a pediatric neurologist who is now sending my son to a radiologist for some...

Can a CT Scan cause rashes for a child?

My son underwent a CT Scan, and the next day he developed a rash across his chest. Is it possible that it could cause rashes for him?

Why a pediatric radiologist?

My pediatrician referred me and my child to a pediatric radiologist for lung x-rays. Why couldn't have this been done in office or with a regular radiologist?

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