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Is it bad for babies to be raised in prison?

In NY, a law was passed that allows the baby to be raised in prison, by the mother, in the first few months of the baby's life. And to me. . . it just seems wrong? I learned...

Would an absent father affect my daughter's mental health?

Since we separated, my daughter's father has been in and out of her life. Sometimes, he'll be around for a while, other times he'll disappear for months at a time--not even call...

Can a social worker help improve my son's behavior?

My son gets into fights at school. It's happened once or twice, and all the school has done was suspend both of those times, for five days. If it happens again, he would get...

What can I do for my child's separation anxiety?

My child has really bad anxiety whenever I try to leave for work, and sometimes, even just the room. I was thinking about classes to help with it, but I'm not sure about how effective...

After my divorce, my daughter won't speak to me. What should I do?

My daughter has not spoken to me since my divorce. . . almost like she's mad at me. We didn't sit down and tell her why we divorced. But since it, I've noticed that she's barely...

My friend doesn't take care of her mother. Is this elder abuse?

My friend's mom has a severe case of Alzheimer's disease, and right now, she's not really doing anything--not really taking care of her. It seems like she has no regard about...

How can I help my grandmother with her depression?

My grandmother has been very depressed since my grandfather passed away and she had to move in with me and my family. She was always so energetic but now I can hardly get her...

My son won't speak to me after his father died. What should I do?

My son's father died a month ago, and my son barely speaks to me since his death. I really don't know what to do, and I feel like it's going on for way to long. Should I take...

How can I help my child cope with my divorce?

My husband and I recently divorced, and it's getting pretty messy. My son doesn't know how to cope, and he would barely talk to either of us. We're really concerned. What can...

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