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Are kidney stones causing blood in my urine?

I was diagnosed with kidney stones and keep seeing blood in my urine. Are kidney stones causing blood in my urine?

What are the treatment options for kidney stones?

I'm 37 years old and I have kidney stones. What are the treatment options for kidney stones?

What should I do about my kidney stone?

I'm 45 years old and I have kidney stones. What should I do about them?

Can dialysis result in a lack of appetite?

I'm 30 and on dialysis. Ever since I started I've noticed a significant drop in appetite. Is this why?

Why are my kidneys hurting?

I'm 22 years old and my kidneys hurt for no reason. What can be the cause?

What are the treatment options for kidney infection?

I am 32 years old and I was diagnosed with kidney infection. What are the treatment options for kidney infection?

What would cause blood in urine?

I went to bathroom and my urine came out bloody. What would cause blood in urine?

Do I need to go to the doctor when there is blood in my urine?

I am 23 years old male and saw blood in urine. Do I need to go to the doctor when there is blood in my urine?

Will my cytopathology follow up explain my urinary infections?

I'm a 32-year-old female with frequent urinary infections. I would like to hear the results of my test at my cytopathology follow up. Will my cytopathology follow up explain...

How long does it take to get a new kidney?

My father's doctors are considering a kidney transplant, but I'm worried that he won't get the organ until later on. How long does it usually get a new kidney? What does it depend...

What causes pediatric kidney stones?

My cousin is 12 years old and he actually had kidney stones. I always thought that only adults get this. What causes them to develop in children?

Are kidney stones serious?

I'm 37 years old and female. My doctor thinks I have kidney stones after I was complaining of pain on my left side and has scheduled an imaging test. Are kidney stones serious?...

Does chronic kidney disease lead to kidney failure?

I'm 35 years old and my doctors diagnosed me with chronic kidney disease. I'm not sure about how it was caused. Does chronic kidney disease lead to kidney failure?

How does diabetes affect the kidneys?

I'm 45 and male, and I have been dealing with type 2 diabetes for about 4 years now. But, in my recent check up my doctor suggested that I need to be taking better care of my...

What can be the cause of my dark colored urine?

I'm 24, and I noticed that my urine is very dark and it has been happening for about two weeks. Is this serious? What could be causing this?

What are the treatment options for kidney stones?

I'm 38, and my ultrasound found that I have kidney stones and my doctor says that they should pass. Is there anything that I can take to help them pass though? Or at least ease...

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