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Is TMJ curable?

I am a 30-year-old male and I was diagnosed with TMJ disorder. Is TMJ curable?

What is gums disease?

Can you explain to me what gums disease is? My grandfather was just diagnosed with it, and I always thought he had perfect oral health.

Should I go to the doctor if my gums are swollen?

I'm a 28-year-old female. I think I have an infection in my gums because they appear to be red and swollen. Should I go to the doctor if my gums are swollen?

Do I have a gum disease?

It feels like my teeth are loose. Like all of them feel like you can move them around. Does it mean I have gum disease?

Is it possible to remove dark spots on my tongue?

I have dark spots on my tongue, and they really don't look good. I might have gotten these spots from eating very hot food. What can I do to get rid of them?

What treatments are available for gingivitis?

My dentist diagnosed me with gingivitis but he didn't prescribe me treatment and only said that I needed to change my oral health routines. Are there any treatments I can do alongside...

What will be discussed at my periodontal follow up?

I have to get a follow-up for a small surgery on my gums, where they took tissue from the roof of my mouth. Everything looks and feels fine, so what's the point of going back?...

How do they detect gingivitis?

I think I might have gingivitis. How do dentists diagnose this? Would I need to have tests?

Why do I have swollen and painful bumps on my tongue?

I brush and floss at least once a day. It seems to be only a single "taste bud" that causes the pain. Heat, cold or any other topical treatments don't seem to work. Why do I...

Is a periodontal follow up needed if my gingivitis is mild?

I'm a 25-year-old woman in the very early stages of gingivitis. Is a periodontal follow up needed if my gingivitis is mild?

Why do my gums hurt a lot?

I'm 30 and my gums hurt a lot sometimes. My oral hygiene is pretty good and I'm not sure why it happens. Can you help?

How can I solve the problem of bad breath?

I'm 23 and sometimes bad breath even tough my oral hygiene is proper. How can I solve this problem as it's very irritating?

Why do my gums bleed for no reason?

I'm 35, and I noticed that my gums are bleeding for no clear reason. I feel like I'm brushing and flossing enough, but my gums are inflamed. Could it be from brushing and flossing...

Why are my gums turning white?

My gums are turning white gradually; I see that the light pink is just getting lighter and lighter. Why would they do this? Should I see a dentist?

Should I go to the doctor if my gums are swollen?

I think I have an infection in my gums because they are red and swollen. Should I go to the doctor if my gums are swollen? They aren't causing me pain, just mild discomfort....

What are the treatment options for gingivitis?

I'm 37 years old and my dentist diagnosed me with gingivitis. He only recommended lifestyle changes for treatment. Are there other options?

How can I treat gingivitis myself?

I'm 38, and I was diagnosed with gingivitis, but I want to treat it myself. How can I treat gingivitis at home?

Is gum recession normal with age?

My grandmother is 70 years old and I noticed that her gums are receding. Well, they might have been receding for a while now and I just noticed it. Is gum recession normal with...

Can a strong immune system reduce my risk of gum disease?

Gum disease runs in my family and I want to try every way I can to avoid this. I heard that a weak immune system can cause this disease to develop. Is this really true? Can...

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