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What causes males to have blood in urine?

I'm a 20 year old male, and this morning, I found blood in my urine. I have been experiencing abdominal pain since yesterday, but I didn't think too much about it. What could...

What is prostatitis?

My husband is 55 years old, and he was recently diagnosed with prostatis from a bacterial infection. What exactly is prostatis? He's on antibiotics now, but will it take a while...

Is cold weather associated with cystitis?

I got my first case of cystitis last winter, and now that it's cold, I have cystitis again. Is cold weather associated with cystitis?

Is erectile dysfunction common in men over 40?

I'm 44-year-old male with erectile dysfunction. I've been having this issue for over two months, and haven't gotten it treated yet. Is erectile dysfunction common in men over...

Can kidney stones cause a urinary tract infection?

I found out that I have two kidney stones, but I was told that they were small enough to pass and that I wouldn't need them surgically removed. But now it hurts when I pee. I...

Are penis enlargement surgeries safe?

I'm 19 years old, male, and I would like to increase the size of my penis. I've heard about penis enlargement surgery, and I want it done for me. But is it actually safe? What...

Blood in semen. Is this bad?

During sex, I noticed that there was blood in my semen. Is this bad?

How does a cystoscopy work?

I recently had a urinalysis done, and my doctor said that he found urine my blood. Now, he thinks I should have a cytoscopy. Is it painful? How does a cystoscopy work? I'm...

What are the symptoms of a UTI in males?

Lately it has been painful when I pee. I know that this can also be caused by STDs but I always use protection. What are the symptoms of a UTI? How are they treated?

How is a kidney stone dissolved?

My urologist told me that I have kidney stones but not to worry because they are so small. He thinks that they would dissolve. How does this usually happen?

Do kidney stones cause blood in urine?

There's been blood in my urine for at least 3 days, and I'm experiencing a little abdominal pain as well. I'm not sure why this is happening. Do you think these are symptoms...

How should a prostate massage procedure be performed?

Hi I have recently had a prostate massage done by my urologist because I am experiencing erection and ejaculation problems along with being diagnosed with prostatitis also having...

After taking vitamin supplements urine changed color?

I have been taking vitamin supplements already for 2 weeks, and my urine became like a neon yellow color. Is it because of vitamins? Or is there another cause?

What should I do for my son's bedwetting?

My son wets the bed often, and I feel like he's a little too old to still experience them. He's 11 years old, and I want to help him. What can we do to help him stop?

Should I go to the ER for a UTI?

I think I'm experiencing symptoms of a UTI. I've had one before, but this time I have severe abdominal pain, along with a fever. This seems a lot more serious than my last UTI,...

Ways to prevent a baby from getting a UTI?

My 4-year-old son was diagnosed with a UTI recently, after experiencing a slight fever and abdominal. Our pediatrician says this is most likely because of his issues with constipation,...

Do certain foods make my urine smell?

I had smelly urine the other day, but then it went away once I had a lot of water. The smell hasn't come back, but I'm wondering if what I ate had anything to do with this smell?...

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