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Are implant-fixed dentures long-lasting?

I want to get implant fixed dentures. Are implant-fixed dentures long-lasting?

What is the downside of implant-fixed dentures?

I want to get implant fixed dentures. What is the downside of implant-fixed dentures?

What pain medications are good after implant surgery?

I will have implant surgery. What pain medications are good after implant surgery?

Can a dental implant cause any issues?

I want to replace my missing tooth with an implant. Can a dental implant cause any issues?

When will I get a crown on my front implant?

I will get an implant for my missing front tooth. When will I get a crown on my front implant?

How should I keep my implant site clean 2 weeks after implant surgery?

I got an implant 2 weeks ago. How should I keep my implant site clean 2 weeks after implant surgery?

What type of dental implant is the best for front tooth?

I have a missing front tooth. What type of dental implant is the best for the front tooth?

Are implant dentures worth it?

I want to get implant dentures. Are implant dentures worth it?

What toothbrush to use on an implant?

I got an implant 2 weeks ago. What toothbrush to use on an implant?

Can I drink alcohol with an implant?

I got an implant 2 months ago. Can I drink alcohol with an implant?

What exercises to avoid 3 days after implant surgery?

I had implant surgery 3 days ago. What exercises to avoid 3 days after implant surgery?

What implant material is the best for a missing molar tooth?

I have a missing molar tooth. What implant material is the best for a missing molar tooth?

Does molar implant surgery hurt?

I will get an implant for a missing molar tooth. Does molar implant surgery hurt?

Are implant-fixed dentures long-lasting?

I want to get implant fixed dentures. Are implant-fixed dentures long-lasting?

Can I get a temporary crown on my implant?

I got an implant 4 days ago. Can I get a temporary crown on my implant?

Can I drink alcohol 1 week after implant surgery?

I will have implant surgery. Can I drink alcohol 1 week after implant surgery?

What antibiotics are given after implant surgery?

I will have implant surgery. What antibiotics are given after implant surgery?

How long after the implant can I go to the gym?

I had implant surgery 2 weeks ago. How long after the implant can I go to the gym?

What foods to avoid after the implant?

I will get a dental implant. What foods to avoid after the implant?

Can implant infection be cured?

I was diagnosed with an implant infection. Can implant infection be cured?

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