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When can I go back to work after prostatectomy?

I will have a prostatectomy. When can I go back to work after a prostatectomy?

Does a colon biopsy hurt?

I will have a colon biopsy. Does a colon biopsy hurt?

What is the success rate of radiation therapy?

I will have radiation treatment. What is the success rate of radiation therapy?

How long till I get a prostate biopsy results?

I will have a prostate biopsy. How long till I get a prostate biopsy results?

Can colon biopsy be done under general anesthesia?

I will have a colon biopsy. Can colon biopsy be done under general anesthesia?

What foods should I avoid after radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy. What foods should I avoid after radiotherapy?

What is the recovery from radiotherapy?

I will have radiotherapy for liver cancer. What is the recovery from radiotherapy?

Can you live a normal life after thyroid removal?

I will have thyroid removal surgery. Can you live a normal life after thyroid removal?

What should I avoid after colon biopsy?

I will have a colon biopsy. What should I avoid after a colon biopsy?

Do you use local anesthesia for a bone marrow biopsy?

I will have a bone marrow biopsy. Do you use local anesthesia for a bone marrow biopsy?

Do you use local anesthesia for a liver biopsy?

I will have a liver biopsy. Do you use local anesthesia for a liver biopsy?

Can radiotherapy fix prostate cancer?

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Can radiotherapy fix prostate cancer?

Can you get a thyroid biopsy under local anesthesia?

I will have a thyroid biopsy. Can you get a thyroid biopsy under local anesthesia?

Can you get a lung biopsy under local anesthesia?

I will have a lung biopsy. Can you get a lung biopsy under local anesthesia?

How long after thyroid radioactive iodine treatment will I be tired?

I had thyroid radioactive iodine treatment 3 days ago. I still feel tired. How long after thyroid radioactive iodine treatment will I be tired?

Do you have to stay in hospital after a bone marrow biopsy?

I will have a bone marrow biopsy. Do you have to stay in hospital after a bone marrow biopsy?

Do you get anesthesia for a bone marrow biopsy?

My friend will have a bone marrow biopsy. Do you get anesthesia for a bone marrow biopsy?

Mysterious bruises?

I keep getting random bruises on my arms and legs that I have no idea what I would have hit to cause them. I never had issues with bruising and am not one to bruise easily. I...

Cancerous? Or something else?

I'm a 36 (almost 37) year old male, 6'2, 167 lbs, non-smoker, not overweight, casual drinker. In mid-February (it's June now) I started noticing what felt like a strained muscle...

Nipple discharge?

I am having clear sticky discharge from one nipple. I haven’t stimulated it. I can’t be pregnant. My mother had breast cancer. So I’m a little concerned. I don’t have health...

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