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Is local anesthesia for hand surgery safe?

I will have hand surgery. Is local anesthesia for hand surgery safe?

Air pollution?

Is it true that airplane exhaust, like car exhaust, contains a variety of air pollutants, including sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides? We live next to an international airport...

Can nerve damage in my hand be fixed?

I have nerve damage in my hand. Can nerve damage in my hand be fixed?

Can you help with hand joint pain?

I have hand joint pain. Can you help with hand joint pain?

Can nerve block be used for hand surgery?

I will have hand surgery. Can nerve block be used for hand surgery?

Can you get local anesthesia for hand surgery?

I will have hand surgery. Can you get local anesthesia for hand surgery?

Can hand pain after surgery be fixed?

I have hand pain after surgery. Can hand pain after surgery be fixed?

How long is anesthesia for hand surgery?

I will have hand surgery. How long is anesthesia for hand surgery?

Broken wrist problems?

My wife broke her wrist 2 months ago and she can’t close her hand more than halfways. It hurts to try to force it closed. What should she do?

Which anesthesia is selected for hand surgery?

I will have hand surgery. Which anesthesia is selected for hand surgery?

What is the treatment for nerve damage?

I have nerve damage in my hand. What is the treatment for nerve damage?

Can you help with hand joint pain?

I have hand joint pain. Can you help with hand joint pain?

How long is hand plastic surgery recovery?

I will have hand plastic surgery. How long is hand plastic surgery recovery?

How long is physical therapy after rotator cuff surgery?

I will have rotator cuff surgery. How long is physical therapy after rotator cuff surgery?

What type of anesthesia is done for hand surgery?

I will have hand surgery. What type of anesthesia is done for hand surgery?

How long does local anesthesia last for hand surgery?

I will have hand surgery. How long does local anesthesia last for hand surgery?

How long does the pain last after inguinal hernia surgery?

I will have inguinal hernia surgery. How long does the pain last after inguinal hernia surgery?

Can acupuncture help with hand nerve pain?

I have hand nerve pain. Can acupuncture help with hand nerve pain?

Should I have physical therapy after a discectomy?

I will have a discectomy. Should I have physical therapy after a discectomy?

Can you go to a chiropractor for low back pain?

I have low back pain. Can you go to a chiropractor for low back pain?

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