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eyelid spasms

For a couple of months I have had spasms or twitching in my eyelids, for the past 5 days they have been non-stop. I dont think it's myasthenia as it occurs throughout the day,...

If you shot your eye with a nerf bullet, can your eye heal over time or do you need to visit a doctor

Last week, I made a mistake and shot my eye with a nerf bullet and the next day I saw a black shadow where the bullet hit on my eye. My eyes are not blurry, I can see clearly....

Will I go blind after looking at the eclipse?

Hi, I looked at the eclipse with a naked eye yesterday for around 3-7 seconds. I’ve been seeing floaters however I always get floaters every now and then. Should I be worried?...

Problems With My Eyes

I have been wearing eye glasses for nearsightness for over 10 years. Recently, I have been seeing black spots and string like materials on my both eyes for about a month. I have...

When can I use a laptop after LASIK?

I want to get a LASIK. When can I use a laptop after LASIK?

Seemingly slightly bigger pupil on right eye with astigmatism

I noticed recently that it seems like my right eye pupil is maybe a mm bigger than my left. It reacts normally to light and sometimes I don't see it as a different size but sometimes...

Should I be worried about this?

I've been getting this short flash of light in my eyes that appears every 3 days or so, and it's so intense that I sometimes fall to the ground.

Can I do without reading glasses when I am able to read with naked eyes

I am 49 years old. I wear spectacles for many years and the number is (-) 2. 25 for both eyes. Lately, I got a (+) 2. 0 number for near eyesight. When I have to read a book...

How many days of rest should I have after LASIK?

I will have LASIK surgery. How many days of rest should I have after LASIK?

Can eye pressure be fixed?

I have high eye pressure. Can eye pressure be fixed?

My eyelids are swollen

My eyeslids especially the line above the lashes hurts since the last Wednesday. And because i was annoyed. I started pressing on my eyelids which the next day caused very small...

Can I wear sunglasses with contacts?

I wear contacts. Can I wear sunglasses with contacts?

Can eye strain be fixed with eye drops?

I have eye strain. Can eye strain be fixed with eye drops?

How long should I rest my eyes from contacts?

I want to wear contacts. How long should I rest my eyes from contacts?

What should you not do when wearing contacts?

I wear contacts. What should you not do when wearing contacts?

Can wearing contacts damage your eyes?

I want to wear contacts. Can wearing contacts damage your eyes?

What can I do with my eye strain?

I have an eye strain. What can I do with my eye strain?

What should I avoid with eye strain?

I have eye strain. What should I avoid with eye strain?

Can optic nerve damage be fixed?

I was diagnosed with optic nerve damage. Can optic nerve damage be fixed?

How can I treat optic nerve pain?

I have optic nerve pain. How can I treat optic nerve pain?

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