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What could be the cause of high PSA levels?

I have high PSA levels. What could be the cause of high PSA levels?

How long is prostate radiation treatment?

I will have radiotherapy for prostate cancer. How long is prostate radiation treatment?

Can prostate surgery cause any side effects?

I will have prostate surgery. Can prostate surgery cause any side effects?

Should I have surgery for enlarged prostate?

I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. Should I have surgery for enlarged prostate?

Can enlarged prostate be treated without medications?

I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate. Can enlarged prostate be treated without medications?

Can I drink water before a PSA blood test?

I will have a PSA blood test. Can I drink water before a PSA blood test?

How should I prepare for a prostate CT scan?

I will have a prostate CT scan. How should I prepare for a prostate CT scan?

Can you drink alcohol after prostate surgery?

I will have prostate surgery. Can you drink alcohol after prostate surgery?

How should I sleep after prostate surgery?

I will have prostate surgery. How should I sleep after prostate surgery?

How long does local anesthesia last after a prostate biopsy?

I will have a prostate biopsy. How long does local anesthesia last after a prostate biopsy?

Can vitamin supplements increase sperm count?

I have a low sperm count. Can vitamin supplements increase sperm count?

What levels of PSA indicate prostate problems?

I want to check my prostate health. What levels of PSA indicate prostate problems?

Can low sperm motility be fixed with medications?

I have low sperm motility. Can low sperm motility be fixed with medications?

Can prostate biopsy cause any issues?

I will have a prostate biopsy. Can a prostate biopsy cause any issues?

Can prostatitis be cured?

I was diagnosed with prostatitis. Can prostatitis be cured?

What are the side effects of prostate biopsy?

I will have a prostate biopsy. What are the side effects of a prostate biopsy?

How long do you have pain after vasectomy?

I will have a vasectomy. How long do you have pain after vasectomy?

What are the side effects of vasectomy?

I want to have a vasectomy. What are the side effects of vasectomy?

What is the ideal PSA level for 50 years old?

I am 50 years old. I want to have a PSA test. What is the ideal PSA level for 50 years old?

How long will I have pain after a prostate biopsy?

I will have a prostate biopsy. How long will I have pain after a prostate biopsy?

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