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My wife's severe anger?

My wife is 43 years old, she gets severe anger immediately. She slaps herself, hurts herself with objects, and throws objects at others. Attacked by putting knife and rushing...

Are high blood pressure medications safe?

I have high blood pressure and want to take medications. Are high blood pressure medications safe?

Can schizophrenia be managed with therapy?

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Can schizophrenia be managed with therapy?

Does a heart stent leave a scar?

I will have heart stent surgery. Does a heart stent leave a scar?

Can general anesthesia affect my blood sugar levels?

I have diabetes type 2. Can general anesthesia affect my blood sugar levels?

Do I have to take medication after a stent surgery?

I will have stent surgery. Do I have to take medication after a stent surgery?

Dissociative identity disorders?

I'm making a definition paragraph about DID for school to better understand it. I don't have a disorder or something, I just wanted to make sure that is there really 2 types of...

Is radiofrequency vein ablation risky?

I will have radiofrequency vein ablation. Is radiofrequency vein ablation risky?

Can psychosis be treated with therapy?

I was diagnosed with psychosis. Can psychosis be treated with therapy?

Does cognitive-behavioral therapy work for phobias?

I have a height phobia. Does cognitive-behavioral therapy work for phobias?

What is the best therapy for phobias?

I have a water phobia. What is the best therapy for phobias?

Head rush?

I suffer from health OCD, anxiety, and depression. I have for most of my life. I just had someone steal from my work- I didn’t feel nervous though. A few minutes later I was...

Auditory hallucinations and anxiety?

I'm having trouble with hearing, breathing, the dark seems to trigger it and it causes me great anxiety when I hear it. No one else seems to hear it and it makes me embarrassed...

I might be losing my mind?

Am I losing my mind? I keep hearing things that sound like they are right outside. But when I go to look or check there is nothing there.

Is drinking a lot of water good for your kidneys?

I want to have healthy kidneys. Is drinking a lot of water good for your kidneys?

Overdose 3x nortriptyline tramadol mix?

I had an injury with my knee and back from work. After a year of operations cortisone treatments 4x and epidural as the pain wouldn't subside my work doctor started prescribing...

Am I okay?

I am 33 years old. I use to visualize bad things like when I heat the milk in the microwave it will explode so every time I heat it I visualize that. Sometimes when I am riding...

Panic attack advice?

Hello not sure if this is the right place but, about a month ago I was super stressed and I think it caused a panic attack, I felt like I was dying and it was terrifying. I went...

CBD interactions?

I have a prescription for Bromazepam for anxiety and insomnia. However, my symptoms are not that serious that necessitate a regular intake, so I try to use Bromazepam only when...

Stress causing shakes?

My mother in law past away on Jan 7. My father-in-law isn't handling it well. His stress level is obviously really high. His chest hurts all the time. He has slowly been getting...

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