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Can you take AZO and amoxicillin at the same time? Or should you wait till you're done taking AZO and then start the amoxicillin?

Spots reappearing on penis.

Hello! My problem is that I keep on getting a random spot every now and then on the shaft of my penis. I believe they are ingrown hairs (My best guess, I could be wrong) and they...

Abdominal X-ray results

Abdominal X-ray results read “The bowel gas pattern is unremarkable and not obstructed. Formed stool and some colonic gas is present throughout most, if not all, of the colon....

UTI/kidney infection

2 days ago experienced back/ flank pain with difficulty urinating. No burning. Today, abdominal discomfort and pain in lower left groin and testicle and abdominal pressure with...

Had painful urination, still aggravates with too much touching. Should I be worried?

Over a week ago, I felt a sharp pain during urination. After that, it would hurt to urinate for a few days. No blood and was still clear. It doesn't hurt to urinate now but...


Hello, I wanted to ask what high mucus in urine indicates and what a possible treatment could be? I do not have an STD or a UTI I do not really have any complaints.

What, biologically, stops a man from getting erect again and again?

I know that it's dangerous to have an erection for too long and why. But, after I orgasm and go soft again, why can't I get hard immediately after? If erections are caused...

Do you need general anesthesia for a prostate biopsy?

I will have a prostate biopsy. Do you need general anesthesia for a prostate biopsy?

What foods affect sperm motility?

I have low sperm motility. What foods affect sperm motility?

Post Vasectomy Bladder Issues

I had a vasectomy about 12 days ago. Since about day 6 post vasectomy, I’ve been dealing with pressure in my upper groin near where the bladder is and I’ve been urinating a lot...

Sticky and inflamed glans penis

My glans penis is sticky and feels uncomfortable to the touch. I suspect it is inflamed. There is a smell which recurs a few hours even after I have washed the penis. I am uncircumcised....

Infection Urinary Track

I engaged in masturbation for a couple of times in the past three weeks. Now, I don't feel pain but I believe that I have blood in my urine as the color of my urine is yellowish...

COVID and kidney infection

Last Wednesday I went to the urgent care because I was feeling the tip of my pee burn intermittently and caught a fever the night before, along with intense lower back pain. I...

Hi I wonder what i have?

So my Left testicular area has a dull pain like 2 on a scale of 1-10 and im not screaming but feel a bit of discomfort is that common for hydroceles or is that a torsion?


Epidimiorchitis operation done after antibiotics course done but there is pain on epidymytis

non itchy white spots on penis

I have white pinhead size spots on my penis its not itchy. it been there around three years now . and i feel like now its increasing. . also i had a ex girl friend in the past....

Can general anesthesia for a prostate biopsy cause any damage?

I will have a prostate biopsy. Can general anesthesia for a prostate biopsy cause any damage?

How long is the recovery from prostate radiotherapy?

I will have prostate radiotherapy. How long is the recovery from prostate radiotherapy?

How can low sperm motility be fixed?

I have low sperm motility. How can low sperm motility be fixed?

Can varicocele cause infertility?

I have fertility issues and I also have varicocele. Can varicocele cause infertility?

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