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Sharp stabbing center chest pain that came and went within a minute

It was a strange like sharp stabbing pain in center of my chest while eating bbq wings with ranch dressing. I put my plate down and prepared to get ready to go to the hospital...

Heart rate

I was walking to busstop not fast and ints a five minute walk heartrate went up to 155 when I was standing waiting for but heart rate drops to 53 then goes back up.


On my ecg, p-r-t axes are shown as 76 77 25 what does this mean & also a nonspecific t wave abnormality.


if your in congested heart failure can you have fluid in plural cavity without any in the lungs

Resting Heart rate below 60

after my recent physical - my doctor told me that my resting heart rate is low. i am 65 year old male very active, workout 5-6 times a week including cardio and weight lifting....

Hypertension medication

I would like to know what is a good blood pressure pill for me to take?

stroke/ heart attack? Low sugar?

Yesterday at 1: 30am I had a muscle spam on my right calf I woke up with the pain it was so bad my ears started to ring I felt dizzy I felt pressure on my chest, my neck hurt and...

Chest pain

Very infrequently, I get a chest pain that is so acute that it makes my legs and arms curl up to my body involuntarily. It always passes very quickly, and it’s only happened three...

Should I worry

I have coronary artery disease and heart failure with ejection fraction 45% I've been have a burning/pain on my left side some times it goes to my neck seems to get worse the more...

Medicine interaction

I am currently taking metoprolol tartrate 25mg twice daily after a sinus tach event. Echo and similar tests returned no concerning results, assuming event was caused by recent...

Heart palpitations

I've been getting palpitations for the last three days. Heart is pounding through my chest. I haven't been sleeping well because I switched to overnight and it's been a hard...

Need breathes fast

I am a 66 year old Filipino/Italian male. My weight is 300lbs. At rest I feel fine but as soon as I exert myself with any activity I go into this mode where I just need to get...

Cardiology question

I am 27 F. I suffer from dizziness, fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath. I had covid in October 2020, and that’s when my difficulty breathing and fainting spells started....

Comcerns aboit pain in my shoulder

I have recently been feeling pain in my left shoulder even though I am fairly certain that I have not injured it. My concern is that could it be related to a possible heart attack?...

Heart or Neck

I have CAD & Neck Fusion Question: after weight work out - neck & Left elbow & Thumb pain - lasted about 8 hrs Then riding a bike - neck painwith with left arm pAin and light...

Cardiac? or being a Hypochondriac?

Male, age 31, 5 foot 6 inches @ 220 pounds, taking 10mg Lisinopril. Noticed left side chest tightness and aches, back upper pain and pain appearing in the left armpit area during...

Heart problem

My sister had breathing problem the doctor took BNP serum test result show 33000 Pg/ml then they took echo saying Heart working 40% and doctor gave her tablets almost 12 and to...

Restarting interrupted high blood pressure medications

I was separated from my blood pressure medications that were lost in my luggage for over three weeks. By the time the medications were returned, three plus weeks, my blood pressure...

my mom

my mom says she is dizzy and she thinks it's a problem with her heart she thinks she is dying and she has a pacemaker i don't want her to die yet help

Heart rate

I have started using Metamucil to help reduce my cholesterol. Since using it I feel lighter and have lost a few pounds. My resting heart rate during the day since starting this...

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