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Is rheumatoid arthritis heriditary?

My father and grandfather both suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. What are the chances that I will also have the disease?

Is there a way to understand if my child has any genetic issue during pregnancy?

I am 4 months pregnant. My first child was born with Down's syndrome and after much reluctance, my husband and I have planned to have a second child. Can we identify if our second...

Can doctors identify congenital heart disease while the baby is in the womb?

My nephew was born with a slight heart murmur. My sister and I aren't sure how this happened, as throughout her pregnancy, her doctor said that she was very healthy. When he...

I am lactose intolerant, does it mean my child will also have this condition?

I have been lactose intolerant since birth. I am now 27 years old and I am expecting my first baby, however, I am very scared if my allergy will also pass onto my baby. Is lactose...

What deformities in the growing baby can be confirmed in an anomaly scan?

I am 5 months pregnant and I am due for my anomaly scan. I would like to know what deformities in the baby can be seen through this. Can mental and congenital defects also be...

What are the risk factors for thalassemia?

My husband's blood type is B- while I am A+, could this put our baby at risk of thalassemia?

About twin pregnancy

I'm currently 13 weeks pregnant with twins but I wasn't given ANTI-D my last miscarriage before this pregnancy and my doctor thinks that one of my twins have down syndrome. Can...

Is diabetes hereditary?

Is diabetes a hereditary disease? Both my parents had acquired the disease what are the chances that I will also be suffering from the same disease?

Is fertility reduced with spina bifida?

My husband has spina bifida and we have been discussing starting a family. Will his condition affect our odds?

Is fertility reduced with spina bifida?

My husband has spina bifida and we have been discussing starting a family. Will his condition affect our odds?

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