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Which is the better option to fix your sleep schedule?

I often become nocturnal while on vacation. I sleep through the entire day and wake up in the evening. Would it be better to try going to bed earlier, or try to stay awake through...

What happens if a person with insomnia takes for 7 years every single night 20 sleeping pills with 25 gravol?

I want to know what happens if a person with insomnia takes for 7 years every single night 20 sleeping pills with 25 gravol?

What can I do if my baby has insomnia?

My daughter has insomnia. What can I do if my baby has insomnia?

Are sleep problems a symptom of ADHD?

My daughter has sleep problems. Are sleep problems a symptom of ADHD?

Is anesthesia dangerous for a patient who is on sleeping medicines?

I am taking sleeping medications and will have surgery. Is anesthesia dangerous for a patient who is on sleeping medicines?

What can I give my child to help her sleep?

My daughter has sleep problems. What can I give my child to help her sleep?

Falling asleep?

When I started to fall asleep and close my eyes I started to drift off. I keep seeing things flying at me like a snake striking or falling off a clip or my body just jerks. Why...

Sleep insomnia?

I’ve been not sleeping until 3 am 4 and 5am. I want to know what that can be. I’ve tried everything to make me sleep but I still continue to stay up the only thing that seems...

What triggers sleepwalking?

My daughter is sleepwalking. What triggers sleepwalking?

Combining sleep medicine?

Can I take a Tylenol PM with Serequel to help with sleep?

Is acupuncture effective for insomnia?

I have insomnia and want to treat it. Is acupuncture effective for insomnia?

Enough sleep?

I'm trying to figure out how much sleep I need. I've read 8 hours, but oftentimes after 8 hours, I feel groggy for many hours in the morning. I'm trying to do a controlled experiment...

Sleeping medication abuse?

I am a mother of a 15 year old daughter. She takes a sleeping aid (promethazine) to help her sleep. I found out on a couple occasions she has taken a lot more than what is prescribed...

How do I stop my baby from waking in the night?

My baby has nighttime waking. How do I stop my baby from waking in the night?

Why do I have these seizures if it’s not epilepsy?

It started when I was 11 the first one I went to the doctors for and they did a CT scan and MRI scan and they were both clean. It happened in my sleep this time and was the only...

How can I help my child with sleep problems?

My daughter has sleep problems. How can I help my child with sleep problems?

Is it safe to take more than 4mg of Galantamine? ( is 12 mg ok?)

I wanted to use Galantamine to help me get to sleep.

Can I take anxiety pills for sleep?

I have sleep problems. Can I take anxiety pills for sleep?

Sleeping problems?

For the past few weeks, I've barely got any sleep because every night it always feels like I'm going to die every time I fall asleep which is scary. I don't know what the cause...

Surgery with sleep apnea?

I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP machine. I am scheduled for umbilical hernia surgery. Am I at risk for complications during recovery? What should I tell my Dr?

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