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What diet is best for eczema?

I have eczema and want to have a healthy diet. What diet is best for eczema?

Are you awake during hair transplant surgery?

I will have hair transplant surgery. Are you awake during hair transplant surgery?

My changing moles?

I have two moles on my back that have changed over the last couple of years. They seem to be colored and shaped a bit odd. I'm calling to make an appointment tomorrow just thought...

What condition do I have?

Hi, I have struggled with blood-related issues for half a decade. I am 29, no prior history of cancer. I have some past allergies but got over them as an adult. I have been...

Is my mole cancerous?

I noticed a mole on my leg had a scab on it over a month ago. It healed fast and I didn’t think about it until a few days ago. The mole used to be smaller and very dark and round....

How many laser sessions does it take to remove stretch marks from the abdomen?

I have stretch marks and want to remove them. How many laser sessions does it take to remove stretch marks from the abdomen?

How long does it take to get the results of a skin biopsy?

I will have a skin biopsy. How long does it take to get the results of a skin biopsy?

What is the home remedy for fingernail fungus?

I have fingernail fungus. I want to fix it. What is the home remedy for fingernail fungus?

Can anything remove acne scars?

I have acne scars on my face and want to remove them. Can anything remove acne scars?

Melanoma mole?

I want to know if I have melanoma. I have a mole and the center of it is pink because it was accidentally cut years ago and I picked the scab and it scarred. The scarring is...

Small brownish spot on arm not going away?

I have a small brownish spot on my arm. I thought it was a bruise, first noticed it about 2 months ago. Just saw it is still there, and seems a bit larger that it was before....

Which SPF gives the best sunburn protection?

I want to get sunburn protection. Which SPF gives the best sunburn protection?

How do you treat an infected sunburn?

I have an infected sunburn on my back. How do you treat an infected sunburn?

Odd mole?

I'm 38. I have this mole that I'm worried about. It appeared 2 years ago starting with itchy skin. It's the size of a pencil eraser now and it's started peeling and bleeding...

Can lasers remove skin cancer?

I have skin cancer regions on my face and I want to remove them. Can lasers remove skin cancer?

Mole that may possibly be cancerous?

It’s brown light and has slight red around it I have no pain but it’s got slightly bigger.

Can a dermatologist remove a mole on my back?

I have a mole in my back. I want to remove it. Can a dermatologist remove a mole on my back?

Open wound healing on leg (Moh's Surgery)?

My husband had skin cancer surgery on the left leg (Moh's surgery) two months ago. The surgery was successful and is cancer-free and the margins are negative. After two weeks...

Skin condition question?

I just found a weird skin formation on my lower side of my stomach close to the leg. I want to know what it is and how to treat it if possible. My family said it’s a mole but...

Is Mohs surgery safe?

I am a 52 year old female. I want to know is Mohs surgery safe?

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