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Nose cartilage inquiry?

Over these past two years, I have developed a habit with my nose, where I will squeeze the sides of my nostrils together (using only my nose; no fingers). I think I squeeze it...

Why does my jaw hurt after septoplasty?

My jaw hurts after septoplasty. Is it normal? Should I see a doctor?

How painful is a septoplasty?

I will have a septoplasty. How painful is a septoplasty?

Throat soreness?

It hurts to swallow, there are red spots on my tonsils. My lymph nodes aren't swollen.

Do you have to take antibiotics after plastic surgery?

I will have a rhinoplasty. Do you have to take antibiotics after plastic surgery?

Is cheek implant surgery painful?

I want to get cheek implants. Is cheek implant surgery painful?

Are cheek implants better than fillers?

I want to change the shape of my cheeks. Are cheek implants better than fillers?

What can you not do after ear plastic surgery?

I want to have ear plastic surgery. What can you not do after ear plastic surgery?

When can I use headphones after ear surgery?

I had ear surgery 2 weeks ago. When can I use headphones after ear surgery?

What is the safest anesthesia for ear surgery?

I will have ear surgery. What is the safest anesthesia for ear surgery?

Can you drink alcohol after rhinoplasty?

I will get rhinoplasty next week. Can you drink alcohol after rhinoplasty?

How long after rhinoplasty can I wear glasses?

I had rhinoplasty 3 days ago. How long after rhinoplasty can I wear glasses?

What is rhinoplasty recovery like?

I want to get rhinoplasty. What is rhinoplasty recovery like?

How long is facelift surgery?

I want to have a facelift. How long is facelift surgery?

At what age should you get a facelift?

I am a 42-year-old female. I want to get a facelift. At what age should you get a facelift?

Do you wear a cast after rhinoplasty?

I want to change the shape of my nose. Do you wear a cast after rhinoplasty?

How long do you wear a chin strap after neck lift?

I will have a neck lift next week. How long do you wear a chin strap after a neck lift?

Can you have a neck lift without a facelift?

I want to have a neck lift. Can you have a neck lift without a facelift?

How long is a neck lift surgery?

I will have neck lift surgery. How long is a neck lift surgery?

How do you stop a nosebleed after rhinoplasty?

I have bleeding after rhinoplasty. How can I stop it? Should I see a doctor?

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