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Is giving enema a good way to cleanse the colon system?

Is it safe to undergo enema therapy every year to cleanse the colon system well?

Is there a surgery to treat IBD?

I have been suffering from IBD for the past 2 months, and I am on medication for it as well. However, it isn't really helping me, Is there any surgery that could treat the problem?...

Anal fissure after surgery?

I had my anal fissure fixed using surgery around 4 days ago. Only yesterday did I start experiencing itchiness in my anus. I don’t know why it’s happening or how to not let it...

Is surgery required to treat hemorrhoids permanently?

What is the right course of action for treating hemorrhoids permanently? Is surgery always required?

What can be the impact of long term constipation?

My girlfriend has been suffering from prolonged constipation for over 8 years now. She goes around once per week but feels okay otherwise so she doesn't want to see a specialist....

Will I be given anesthesia for a colonoscopy?

The doctor has advised me to undergo a colonoscopy for my recently diagnosed IBD. Will I be given anesthesia during the procedure?

I have a feeling that I need to go to the bathroom, but it doesn’t happen. What is the reason?

I keep getting a sensation that I want to go #2, but when I try, it doesn’t happen. Is this an indication of a colon problem?

Bleeding after a colonoscopy

Yesterday I had a colonoscopy that removed two small polyps. Last night I was able to pass bowel movement with no blood. Though after walking around the shops today I had a cramping...

intense rectal pressure after fissurectomy

I had a fissurectomy on 5/10 and was doing well until about 3 days ago. Now after a bm, I have intense pressure and pain that lasts for hours even with pain meds and lidocaine...

Can colon cancer be cured with a surgery?

My friend has been diagnosed with colon cancer. The doctor has started his treatment for it, however, I would like to know if it can be cured with colon surgery?

What is a colectomy?

When discussing treatment for my mother, I overheard the doctors mention a surgery called a colectomy. They haven't brought it up to us yet directly. What is a colectomy? What...

I feel very constipated. Could there be any blockages in my colon system?

I suffer from severe constipation and it has become a big issue. Could this be because of any blockages in my colon? Can it be removed surgically?

I underwent a colon surgery and now I am passing blood traces. Is it normal?

I recently underwent colon surgery for a growth removal. It has been about 5 days since the surgery and today I passed some traces of blood in my stools. Is this normal?

What is the best course of treatment for hemorrhoids?

I was recently diagnosed with hemorrhoids, and I wondering what would be the best course of treatment. The doctor already advised me on what I have to take medicine-wise, so is...

I am a 27 year old man and am about 53 lbs overweight. I have noticed some blood in my stools. Could it be polyps or cancer?

I am 27 years old and my diet and lifestyle is extremely unhealthy. I have recently noticed blood in my stools. Could this be a sign of polyps, or cancer? I'm unsure of what...

Does IBS require surgery?

My father in law has been detected with IBS and his bowel movements are extremely erratic-- they tire him out completely. Is a surgery recommended for him?

What are the symptoms to detect colon and rectal cancer?

My father has been passing bloody stools and we have recently sent it to get tested. We're still waiting for the results, but we want to be aware of any symptoms that can come...

How is IBD treated in elderly patients?

My grandfather is 80 years old and is currently suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. How is this condition treated in the elderly?

Crohn's and bowel cancer?

Does a family history of Crohn's put me at risk for bowel cancer? Currently I do not exhibit symptoms of Crohn's (I'm 26) but I worry about my future.

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