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Why are my platelets dropping after chemotherapy?

I am suffering from blood cancer. I am undergoing chemotherapy and my platelet count is dropping. Is this the result of my cancer or the chemo?

Bad bloods in pregnancy

Hi, I have been diagnosed with pregnancy anemia and my platelets count has been fluctuating between 70000-99000 over the past 3 weeks. Currently at 85000 with a platelet distribution...

Persistent lymphotocytosis

A routine blood test April this year showed a 4. 5 lymphocyte. My GP ordered for another blood test within a day. Result came back the same. Then another blood test after...

High lymphocytes

What can I do to combat a count of 4. 13 10x9? How serious should one consider the above reading?

Do I have Polcythemia Vera?

Hi, I was just wondering if my cbc indicate that I have Polcythemia Vera. I had a blood test like 2 months back and my hemoglobin was 17. 9 rbc 6. 06 and hct 49. 6 and platelet...

High lymphocytes

6 months before I took CBC test my WBC is 8900. Lymphocytes is 45%. Yesterday I took another CBC test my WBC is 7. 5cells / cu. mm. Lymphocyte is 46. Is anything wrong?

Platelet clumping

As a part of routine cbc check, my platelet count was significantly low nearly 20000. Other parameters were normal. I am not experiencing any symptoms. So I had to do a peripheral...


I just got an Absolute lymphocytes Count and it's 3. 08 k/ul Is it normal? If it's high what does it mean?

Taper off a prescription?

Hi, I was diagnosed with Iron Deficiency Anemia in 2009 and was prescribed Ferrocite Plus (Hematinic) once daily. As long as I am taking the pill, labs consistently report...

I have a blood clot on my left breast. Can it turn into a tumor?

I have a strange blood clot on my left breast. Since it doesn’t hurt, I have not shown it to the doctor. However, now I am wondering, can this blood clot turn into a tumor if...

Myelocytes relative percent very high after getting blood transfusion

Myelocytes relative percent very high after getting blood transfusion. Can a transfusion reaction cause this?

Pulmonary Embolism - Haematologist question

Hi, I’m a 39 year old female. In 2016 I had two small PE’s after what was thought to be due to the combination of a short haul flight and being on a contraceptive pill. I believe...

high amount of lymphocytes in the body

I wasn't sick, I just went for a checkup, the doctor said I have high amount of lymphocytes in my body. Help me, I want to know the importance of having this high amount of lymphocytes...

I have a positive blood type and my husband has a negative blood type. What are the chances of our child being born with thalassemia?

I am a 32 year old woman and I am thinking of planning a family now with my husband. However, my blood group is A+ve while my husband’s blood group is O-ve. What are the chances...

blood test reference range

Hi! I am 24. I am male. I had a blood test two times. My lymphocytes once were 1500 and 17. 5% . . . Second time they were 2000 and 25%. How are these values? Are they low?...

Unexplained bruising, cough, etc

Unexplained bruising for over a yr. At one point bruise would come and go. 4 weeks ago one huge bruise followed by many new smaller ones. Every day. Few random bruises on arms...

Sudden bruising for no reason

I am a 62 year old male. I previously had open heart surgery for severe MVP. Today I noticed that I have 6 very large bruises on different areas of my body. I have no recollection...

I want to be a bone marrow donor

I lost a friend to leukemia many years ago. I would like to become a bone marrow donor in his memory. How do I do this? Is it painful to donate bone marrow?

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