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What makes one's heart skip a beat?

Why would it be that at night my heart seems to skip a beat or even two beats? Is this possible or am I just imagining it? During the day, I'm okay but at night I get really...

Why is acupuncture recommended for cardiovascular disease?

My doctor recommended acupuncture, actually, to lower my risk for cardiovascular diseases because I have a family history of cardiovascular diseases on my mom's side. Why is acupuncture...

What are some signs of heart issues in children?

My child's school called me about this, actually, and it was about my son having issues with his breathing after exercising. He would easily be out of breath after doing most...

Are there side effects with statins?

I need to take statins to lower my blood cholesterol levels, but I'm a little worried about taking them so frequently. Should I expect to have any side effects?

Are chest pains always an emergency?

My mom was having chest pains the other day, and I wanted to take her to the hospital but she told me that she was okay and refused to go. It turned out that she was dealing with...

Do stents need to be replaced?

My uncle had to have 7 stents put in place after his heart attack. Do these stents need to be replaced after some time? Or are they reliable enough to last a lifetime?

Are cardiovascular diseases hereditary?

My family has a history of cardiovascular diseases, and I'm worried that I might have one as well. Am I at risk for a cardiovascular disease if I have a family history with them?...

Do we need to visit a cardiologist for treating arrhythmia?

My father has an irregular heartbeat, and has been experiencing symptoms, such as palpitations, feeling dizzy and fainting spells. Can a cardiologist help my father treat his...

Do we need to visit a cardiologist if there is a family history of heart problems?

My mother is in her late 40s and she has been suffering from breathlessness and pain in the chest and back region. Could these be signs of heart issues? We also have a family...

What can I do to prevent a heart attack?

Are there any supplements available to maintain a healthy heart? What can I do to prevent a heart attack?

What is the treatment for low blood pressure?

I have a problem with low blood pressure. Is there a treatment for this?

Is coffee bad for a blood pressure patient?

Can having coffee cause my blood pressure to increase?

Why did my blood pressure shoot up after swimming?

I went for a swim yesterday and when I came out I felt very anxious. The doctor checked my blood pressure and it was quite high. I don’t have hypertension, so why would my blood...

I'm having a nose job. Will the anesthesia affect my high blood pressure?

I have high blood pressure. In a couple of weeks, I'm having plastic surgery to fix my nose. Will the anesthesia affect my blood pressure? I'm a bit nervous about it.

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