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Can the dengue virus remain in my blood stream?

I recently suffered from the dengue virus and I am now in the recovery phase. I am worried that the virus remain in my blood stream, causing a relapse later. Is a relapse possible?...

What causes sinus infections in some people?

I have been suffering from sinus infections for the past two years as they are recurrent. What could be the cause of sinus infections in some people, especially since I get them...

Can I have reduced taste sensation during a sinus infection?

My taste sensation seems to have reduced and I am suffering from a severe sinus infection. I thought a sinus infection only causes nasal congestion. Is losing your sense of taste...

Can HPV get transferred by kissing someone who is infected?

About 3 weeks ago I kissed someone who later I realised has been infected with HPV. For the last three days I have been having fever with nausea and headache. Could I be infected?...

How can I prevent mosquito borne infections for my 3 month old baby?

My baby is 3 months old and I am extremely worried about the various infections in the air that are spreading due to mosquito bites. What can I do to prevent my child from catching...

Can fungal infection in the swimming pool spread from one person to another?

I am a 25 year old man and I have recently observed a fungal infection in my thighs. I am a swimmer. Could it be possible that I may have encountered this infection in the pool?...

Can the infection causing a pneumonia show in a blood test?

My son is 4 years old and has been detected with pneumonia. The doctors are still trying to find the right bacteria causing the pneumonia infection to start off with the antibiotics....

Immunizations for travel

Are there any European countries that require immunizations for travel there?

Is my bronchitis still contagious?

I have had bronchitis for over one month. Two weeks ago I was put on antibiotics. It has cleared up my congestion and coughing a bit, but I am still spitting up some green mucus....

Feeling weak after the flu

I got over the flu around a week ago, thankfully. However I still feel a similar tiredness and weakness. Is this normal? When can I expect this to go away?

Is there a best time of year to get the flu shot?

Last year I got my flu shot in October and the doctor was concerned because it was "late". I was not aware of this - when is the best time to get a flu shot?

Zika virus?

Is the Zika virus still a concern? It was all over the news for a while but now I seem to never hear about it. Has it gone away?

Can my child give me chickenpox?

I am up to date with shingles vaccines, but my daughter recently caught chickenpox. I've taken her to the doctor and we were given acyclovir for treatment. Since I've never had...

Should I get a flu shot?

I work at home. Do I still need to get a flu shot?

Diseases in Africa

I'm planning to travel to several countries in the southern half of Africa. What diseases to I need to watch for there?

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