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What exercises encourage children to socialize?

My son 9 years old, and he is shy. I don't want his shyness to stunt his development in any way. What exercises encourage children to socialize?

What are the main duties of a social worker?

Recently I divorced, and I want a social worker's help for my daughter. What are the main duties of a social worker that could help her? She's 12 years old.

Where can I start getting custody back of my daughter?

My 7-year-old daughter is in the care of my mother, and I had her taken away from me because of my former drug-use of prescription meds 3 years ago. I changed, but my mom thinks...

How should I raise my adopted child?

My husband and I decided to adopt a child because we are having difficulties conceiving our own. We just got the approval to adopt, but we both feel a little out of our element....

Should I involve my son's school social worker in his mental health?

My son has a lot of issues with his mental health and I noticed him exhibiting signs of depression. He's only in middle school, so I'm worried if something is happening there--like...

Is it bad for babies to be raised in prison?

In NY, a law was passed that allows the baby to be raised in prison, by the mother, in the first few months of the baby's life. And to me. . . it just seems wrong? I learned...

How can I help my child cope with my divorce?

My husband and I recently divorced, and it's getting pretty messy. My son doesn't know how to cope, and he would barely talk to either of us. We're really concerned. What can...

My daughter's friend is abused by her parents. What should I do?

My daughter told me that one of her friends at school told her that she was being abused by her parents. I want to do something, but I'm not really sure where to start. Can you...

What happens with a work related injury?

If I get injured at work do they pay for my hospital bill?

How do you prove you have fibromyalgia to the benefits people?

Hi, I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I work 15 hours a week and I was working 30 hours a week but I couldn't cope with it. How do I prove the effect fibromyalgia is having...

What precautions are necessary when interacting with cancer patients?

I volunteer for a non-profit organization where I deal with cancer patients. What precautions should I take to maintain my health and those I work with?

My daughter says one of her friends is being hit by her parents. What should I do?

My daughter came home from school the other day and told me what her friend has said to her that her parents hit her. I know her parents and they're lovely people, I wouldn't...

My mother has been placed in a nursing home. How can a social worker help her?

My 82 year old mother has been placed in a nursing home, and is having a very hard adjusting. How can a social worker help her?

When is HIV said to be in the final stage?

I am starting out as a social worker among recently diagnosed HIV patients. For my knowledge, I would like to know. . . when is HIV said to be in its final stages?

I am currently working with STD patients. Should I exercise special precaution?

I am currently working with a NGO that helps in dealing with patients suffering from STDs. Should I exercise any precaution myself to prevent infection or contamination?

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