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Does blood pressure rise during exercise?

I'm in good shape for a man my age (55), but recently I was screened and told I had high blood pressure. I had been running before the appointment, though. Couldn't this be the...

What's the best way to get rid of phlegm?

Every morning I wake up with phlegm in my throat. It's not really because I'm sick since I'm not feeling any congestion, or anything like that. Normally, I spit it out, but there...

Should I start my mom on fish oil supplements?

I read something online that said fish oil supplements can help older patients with their memory. My mother is getting older, and while she isn't having too many cognitive issues,...

What happens when you are taking too many probiotics?

I take probiotic supplements everyday, at least once, to improve my gut health. Sometimes I also eat yogurt, which I know has probiotics as well. I haven't experienced anything...

What is the treatment for arrhythmia?

My father went to the cardiologist for his regular checkup (he was referred to one after having diabetes), but now his cardiologist saw that he has arrhythmia as well. My father...

Constant itchy, scratchy throat

My son, who is 8 years old, has suddenly come down with constant itchy and scratchy throat issues. It makes him cough all the time and he even has trouble eating. What could...

What can I do to prevent the stomach bug?

The stomach bug is going around the office, and I just can't get sick right now. I've been watching my hands and sanitizing. Is there anything else that I can do to prevent the...

I am having a lot of foot pain because of my weight. What should I do?

I have a lot of pain in my feet and heels because of my body weight. It's really painful, and I'm not sure about what I can do to ease it. What do you recommend?

When is the best time to get a flu shot?

I want to get a flu vaccine to avoid it at all costs. When is the best time to get the flu shot?

Having a section of colon removed. What is the recovery time for this?

Due to IBS problems, I am having a section of my colon removed. About how long will I be under anesthesia for this procedure, and what is the general recovery time? Also, will...

Are iron injections better than pills?

For people with low hemoglobin levels, are iron injections better than iron supplements pills?

Red mole being removed from my back and sent for tests. What kind of tests will be done?

I have an odd reddish mole on my lower back. My dermatologist wants to remove it and then send it for testing. What kinds of tests would be done on this mole and what types of...

What can I do to get relief from my tetanus injection pain?

I recently got a tetanus shot which is causing me to have a lot of pain in my right arm. What can I do to get relief from it?

What are the key challenges in the everyday life of a physician assistant?

I have just started my career as an assistant to a physician. While I am still undergoing my on the job training, I would like to understand what are the key challenges that a...

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