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If my mother is diabetic, is a cataract surgery recommended?

My mother is 67 years old and has been diabetic for the last 10 years. Due to blurred vision the doctor has suggested a cataract surgery for her. Is the surgery safe for her...

My son has a constant headache that occurs around the afternoon. What could be the reason?

My son is 10 years old and has glasses with a power. He wears his glasses everyday and constantly. He is also complaining of a headache everyday around afternoon. What could...

Can HPV get transferred by kissing someone who is infected?

About 3 weeks ago I kissed someone who later I realised has been infected with HPV. For the last three days I have been having fever with nausea and headache. Could I be infected?...

What are the tests to confirm dengue?

My 5 year old daughter has been suffering from cold, cough and fever. Her fever is not coming down inspite of the antibiotics. Should I get a test done for dengue? What are...

What is GeneXpert test?

I recently came across the latest technology in pathology called geneXpert test which is helpful in detecting TB. What exactly is this test and how does it test the disease in...

Forensic pathologist vs pathologist

What makes a pathologist a foreeensic pathologist?

Why do they send a mole biopsy sample for second opinion?

I was recently recommended a second opinion for my mole biopsy sample. Why did they do this? Could they be suspecting a cancer?

Can the infection causing a pneumonia show in a blood test?

My son is 4 years old and has been detected with pneumonia. The doctors are still trying to find the right bacteria causing the pneumonia infection to start off with the antibiotics....

In how many days can a pregnancy be detected in urine and blood?

I am a 33 year old woman and I have just undergone my treatment for IVF. In how many days will the pregnancy show up in my urine and blood? I don't want to take an early test...

What are the tests to confirm an infection of the stomach?

I am suffering from severe acidity and acid reflux. Could it be due to a stomach infection? What are the tests to confirm the same?

I have single lymph node enlargement. Is this due to cancer?

I have been detected with swollen lymph nodes in my neck. In a recent test the report showed a single lymph node enlargement. Could this be a sign of cancer?

What is stem cell banking? Is it really worth it?

I am a 32 year old woman in my last trimester. We have been approached by several stem cell banks to preserve the cord of our baby. What exactly is stem cell banking and is it...

My vaginal discharge is yellowish green with occasional blood. Why?

I am a 36 year old woman and off late I have been noticing that my vaginal discharge is yellowish green in color along with traces of blood. What could be the cause of this?...

Immunizations for travel

Are there any European countries that require immunizations for travel there?

Is pathology of pleomorphic adenoma accurate?

I was diagnosed with a paraotid gland tumor by CT scan and the FNA said that it was a pleomorphic adenoma- which was benign. I have my surgery scheduled in one month where they...

Forensic pathologist vs pathologist

What makes a pathologist a forensic pathologist?

What areas of the prostate are used during a biopsy?

I am getting a prostate biopsy done. I'm not sure what to expect. What is involved?

What is the Gleason score in my pathology report?

My pathology report for prostate tissue has a Gleason score of 3+4=7. What does that mean? Is it different than 4+3=7?

UTIs (male) with no symptoms?

It has happened a few times where I go to the doctor, give a urine sample, and results confirm UTI bacteria even though I never felt any symptoms. Is this a sign of something...

Breast cancer biopsy

Are needle core biopsies as accurate as core samples were?

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