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My hands swell when I exercise

I've been having a terrible time with my hands swelling during exercise. What could be the cause of this?

Clicking in my jaw

My dentist wants me to see an oral surgeon regarding the clicking in my jaw when I open my mouth. Is this a normal thing to do?

Wiring a broken jaw

My sister broke her jaw in gymnastics. It has been wired shut. I know the wires will be in about 6 weeks but how long until she is fully recovered?

Why does hay fever severity fluctuate

Some years my hay fever is unbearable, other years it's not a problem. Why is this?

Shortness of breath

Sometimes I get really short of breath. I might not even be doing anything strenuous and I will struggle to get enough air. Should I be concerned?

Cloudy urine with strong odor- What could it be?

I am 4 months pregnant and have noticed in the last week that my urine is extremely cloudy every time I urinate. It also has a strong odor of ammonia or a chemical smell. What...

Is my bronchitis still contagious?

I have had bronchitis for over one month. Two weeks ago I was put on antibiotics. It has cleared up my congestion and coughing a bit, but I am still spitting up some green mucus....

Feeling weak after the flu

I got over the flu around a week ago, thankfully. However I still feel a similar tiredness and weakness. Is this normal? When can I expect this to go away?

Is there a best time of year to get the flu shot?

Last year I got my flu shot in October and the doctor was concerned because it was "late". I was not aware of this - when is the best time to get a flu shot?

Is asthma hereditary?

My grandfather had asthma (pretty severe). My mom doesn't have it. I'm concerned I might get it, or that my kids will suffer as much as my grandfather did. How can I prevent...

Does a fever always signal an infection?

I have a low fever (100. 1F). Why is this happening? I feel fine otherwise, just very warm. Is my body fighting off something?

How do I get water out of my ear?

I went swimming last week and still feel like there is water trapped in my right ear, I feel it when I move around but nothing comes out. What can I do to get it out- will it...

What do high lymphocytes mean?

I just got my blood work back from my physical and had elevated lymphocytes. I am worried, what could this mean?

How long is pink eye contagious?

I just started antibiotics today, how long will I be contagious for and do I need to change all of my eye makeup, is it contaminated?

Is shingles contagious?

I have shingles- blisters are just starting to scale over- am I still contagious?

How do I get rid of a canker sore?

I have had a canker sore in my mouth on the inside of my cheek for over a week and it own't go away. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it?

Thyroid Function Tests

I'm a 35 y/o female with PMH of MDD c/o b/l 4+ pitting edema of the lower extremities. The condition developed over a period of 3-4 months and is only mildly improved with leg...

When to go in?

I just got over a cold and now I have a hard time breathing, it feels like I cant catch my breath and my stomach hurts from coughing so much and I'm coughing so hard it makes my...

Can you get strep throat without tonsils?

I had my tonsils removed when I was younger, I am 16 years old now. Today I have a sore throat with a fever and puss in my throat. Is it possible to have strep throat with...

Ongoing headache - what to do?

I've had a headache pretty consistently for the past week or so. It varies in severity and I'm able to fall asleep at night, but the pain is always there. Is this a sign of something...

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