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Is breast cancer genetic?

Is it possible for breast cancer to be in someone's genes? Does it meant that I can get it if my mother had it?

Are tampons safe?

I am planning to use tampons instead of pads. Are they safe? Do they have any risk of infections?

Why am I not getting my period when taking metformin?

I am on metformin for my PCOD. Until now, I was getting my periods regularly with this medication, but for the past couple of months, I haven't. What could be wrong? I'm also...

Are hunger pangs during pregnancy normal?

I have severe hunger pangs at odd hours and I am 7 months pregnant. Is this normal?

I have a lot of pain in my breasts in my 7th month of pregnancy. What should I do?

I am having a lot of breast pain during the 7th month of my pregnancy. Can you please suggest some remedies to treat it?

I find my breasts becoming very heavy before my period. Is it normal?

Every time before my periods I find my breasts becoming very heavy. Is this normal?

Why is there a foul smell in my white discharge?

I have been noticing that my white discharge has a very foul smell. Why could this be happening?

Will yoga help in treating my hip pain?

I am having hip pain ever since I delivered my baby. Will yoga help in treating it?

My sister has hemophillia. Should she have a baby?

My sister has hemophillia. Are there chances that it could spread to her child? Are there risks if she's pregnant?

I'm pregnant, and I feel like I'm gaining a lot of weight. Is there anything I can do?

I'm putting on a lot more weight than I should. Even my OB-GYN said so during one of my check-ups. I thought it came naturally with pregnancy, but I just feel like my self-esteem...

Will acupuncture treat my menstrual cramps?

I have a lot of pain because of my period. To the point where Advil does absolutely nothing for me. Will acupuncture help treating it?

I was diagnosed with inflammed pelvic disease that caused blockages. Will I ever be able to concieve?

About 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with inflamed pelvic disease. I was treated for it a while back, but it caused me to have some blockages in my fallopian tubes. Will I ever...

Is it risky to delay my conception with PCOD?

When I started to have my period, I've had PCOD. Now that I'm married and 32 years old, I'm thinking about wanting to have children. . . just not yet. I don't want to conceive...

Why do I have back pain during my period?

Every time I have my period, I end up getting severe back pain. Why is this?

Is it safe to conceive after gastric bypass surgery?

I underwent gastric bypass surgery 1 year ago. I am now planning to conceive, am I at any risks?

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