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Is pathology of pleomorphic adenoma accurate?

I was diagnosed with a paraotid gland tumor by CT scan and the FNA said that it was a pleomorphic adenoma- which was benign. I have my surgery scheduled in one month where they...

Is my constipation normal?

Once a month, I become constipated for 5-6 days. I am a female, could it be hormonal? I am 26 years old.

I am a diabetic and my gums have been bleeding. Is there something to be concerned about?

I am 38 years old and i am a diabetic. All of a sudden I am suffering from bleeding in my gums. Is this something that I should be concerned about? Can the bleeding become more...

Thyroid Function Tests

I'm a 35 y/o female with PMH of MDD c/o b/l 4+ pitting edema of the lower extremities. The condition developed over a period of 3-4 months and is only mildly improved with leg...

Can diabetes cause reading difficulties?

My mother is 60 years old and is heavily diabetic. She has had both eyes corrected for vision and was reading without any glasses. However, off late she has been finding it difficult...

What is the connection between low ferritin level and thyroid?

My daughter is 3 years old and has always been low on her iron and hemoglobin levels. We did a recent test and found her thyroid levels also show a drop. Is there a relationship...

Where we can do this procedure and how much the cost for two kids?

I have two kids who have got diabetes type one recently, can I do stem cell procedure for them and how much the cost? They are 9 and 10 years old What the success percentage...

Type 1 diabetes and general anethesia

My 15 year old son had had type 1 diabetes for 4 years. He has frequent episodes of both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. He is scheduled to have his deviated septum fixed and...

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