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How many chiropractor visits do I need for neck pain?

I want to have chiropractic care for my neck pain, which I had gotten from a car accident recently. How many chiropractor visits would I need to effectively treat my neck pain?...

Should I see a chiropractor for chronic back pain?

My back has been hurting me for 3 straight months, and no meds are helping. Should I see a chiropractor for chronic back pain?

Should I see a chiropractor or massage therapist first?

I'm 25 years old and my lower back has been hurting me for one month. Do you think I should go see a chiropractor or massage therapist for my back pain? I'm not really sure what...

Can a chiropractor help with spinal stenosis?

I have spinal stenosis but I am afraid of surgery and want to try to treat it without it. Can a chiropractor help with spinal stenosis?

Are chiropractic adjustments safe?

I'm 32 and I have pretty consistent neck pain. This has been going on for about 2 months. I heard that chiropractic adjustments might be able to help but I want to know about...

Is there something wrong with my hip joint?

I feel pain in my thigh, but it feels like it's from my hip joint and that this joint feels out of place. This feeling started after a car accident last month. Is there anything...

How do you sleep after a chiropractic adjustment?

I'm going to have a chiropractic adjustment next week and it's my very first one. I heard it's actually a relaxing experience. How do patients usually sleep after an adjustment?...

Should I go to a chiropractor for a pinched nerve?

I'm 40 years old and I feel like I have a pinched nerve on the back of my shoulder. Do you think I should go to a chiropractor for this?

Is chiropractor treatment good for sciatica?

I want to have chiropractic treatment for my sciatic pain but I'm not sure if it's really effective. Is chiropractor treatment good for sciatica?

What's wrong with my neck?

I'm a 41-year-old male, and I find that my neck has been very stiff lately. Every time I turn my neck, it hurts. This could be from how I sleep or my posture. What should I...

Do chiropractors treat chronic neck pain?

I have had chronic neck for more than 3 months after a really bad car accident. My friend told me that a chiropractor can help me with this. Is it true? What can a chiropractor...

Why is it important to drink water after a chiropractic adjustment?

I'm going to have a chiropractic adjustment soon, but after doing some research, I noticed that it's highly recommended to drink water after an adjustment. Why?

Could the pain in my back be caused by kyphosis?

I noticed that I had a hunchback, but after experiencing some back pain, I went to the chiropractor and he said my hunchback is a result of kyphosis. Could my back pain be related...

Back pain for two months. What could be the cause?

I'm 40 years old and I have been experiencing back pain for more than 2 months. What could be causing this? I haven't fallen, and I try to exercise at least twice a week.

Is a chiropractic consultation needed after a sports injury?

I am a 25 year old basketball player. I hurt my back during practice and am scheduled to see a chiropractor. What will he do to help me?

How do chiropractors help sciatic pain?

I have severe sciatic pain that is along my leg. Normally I would take ibuprofen for it, but it doesn't work. I heard chiropractors can actually help me. How do chiropractors...

What are some stretches my son can do at home for back pain?

My son plays a lot of sports and he gets a lot of back pain as a result. We have taken him to a chiropractor before and an adjustment does help him, but we can't take him to a...

Injury caused muscular strain in back. How can chiropractic rehab help?

I had an injury while playing on my hockey team, and I strained my back from the injury. My doctor recommended chiropractic rehab to recover from my injury faster. What would...

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