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The skin on my left foot feels raw after standing for a long time. Why?

When i stand for a long duration I feel my left foot going numb and raw. What could be the reason for this? Someone suggested wearing closed shoes for long can do this to the...

Why am I experiencing ankle pain after two years of arthroscopic surgery?

I underwent an arthroscopic surgery two years back. I have been taking it slow post the surgery and exercising all the precautions required. I am now experiencing ankle pain....

I have a corn in my foot. Can corn cap remove that?

I have a corn in my foot just below the thumb of my foot. Can I use a corn cap to remove it or will it have to be removed surgically?

I have a painful, swollen ankle following an injury. What to do?

I am experiencing a lot of pain and swelling in my ankle after I had an ankle twist 2 weeks back. A normal ankle twist settles in a week, however this doesn't seem to be subsiding....

Could weight be a contributing factor for ankle and knee pain?

I am a 33 year old woman, with a height of 5’2 and weight of 77kgs. I am now experiencing a lot of pain in my ankle and knees especially when I am in one position for too long....

Do heel bone fractures require surgery?

I am suffering a fracture in my heel bone and have been advised complete bed rest. This fracture happened 3 weeks back. In my followup visit to the doctor the X-ray showed that...

How to reduce the pain due to ankle sprain?

I had a fall last week and I twisted my ankle very badly. It seems to be a sprain. I have been putting alternative hot and cold packs but the pain is not subsiding. What can...

I am getting frequent ankle swelling. Can it be cured?

I am a 18 year old girl and I am suffering from frequent swelling in my ankles post a running or workout session. What could be the reason for this. Can it be cured?

Ingrown toenail surgery now have thick ridged nails

Last year I had ingrown toe nail surgery on both big toes where both sides of the nails were removed from the beds, While it corrected the problem and I no longer get ingrown...

Dull pain in my big toe with no presumed cause, what is it?

For several years I have had pain in my right big toe. It doesn't matter if I'm in shoes or not. There is no obvious deformity. What could be wrong?

What's this feeling on the bottom of my toe?

Randomly, I get a prickly feeling on the bottom of my big toe. It feels like a splinter but I don't see anything there. It's never on any other toe or any other part of my foot....

Do store orthotics work?

Do the orthotics that you can buy in the store work? How do I know which one to get?

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