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Can physical therapy cure shoulder impingement?

I have shoulder impingement. Can physical therapy cure shoulder impingement?

Can physical therapy help hip arthritis?

I have hip arthritis. Can physical therapy help hip arthritis?

Knee pain?

The inner part of my knee hurts and the back of my knees hurts as well. They also are throbbing. It appeared with a black bruise near the inner part of my left knee. Now it’s...

Chronic pain deep in the gluteals, lower back, and feet?

Chronic pain deep in the gluteals 6 years after ski fall (2018) on my lower back and buttocks. Almost immediately it felt like someone shoved softballs down each butt cheek and...

Knee pain?

Last week for two days straight I ran about three miles. I haven’t run in a long time and this was my first time doing so. The next day I woke up and had severe knee pain for...

Recovery time?

1. Left iliopsoas tendon in contiguity with ventral half likely accounting for clicking. 2. Suggestive for bilateral FAI, femoroacetabular impingement, cam variety. 3...

Car accident knee question?

Towards the end of March, I was involved in a car accident as a passenger and had my legs crossed as the car pulled out in front causing us to T Bone her. My front knee went through...

Is physical therapy effective after shoulder surgery?

I will have shoulder surgery. Is physical therapy effective after shoulder surgery?

Is physical therapy effective for knee pain?

I have knee pain. Is physical therapy effective for knee pain?

Is physical therapy effective after scoliosis surgery?

I will have scoliosis surgery. Is physical therapy effective after scoliosis surgery?

Is my ankle broken or sprained?

I jumped off a balcony and heard a snap/crack/pop in my left ankle. I can’t really walk or put pressure on it, it’s excessive pain, I can’t move my toes without pain, and it’s...

Should I be worried?

I fell on my bike and fell on my shoulder first and slid on it. it’s been 2 days and a yellow-like liquid has been coming out of it and I don’t know if I should be worried.

What is the cause of long term joint pain?

My son is a 33 year old African American male. He was diagnosed with MS three years ago. He was prescribed Tegratol which gave me DRESS syndrome. He was hospitalized for 3 weeks,...

Can physical therapy help after hip replacement?

I will have hip replacement surgery. Can physical therapy help after hip replacement?

What exercises are best for scoliosis?

I have scoliosis. What exercises are best for scoliosis?

What exercises are best for knee arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. What exercises are best for knee arthritis?

What exercises are good for back pain?

I have back pain. What exercises are good for back pain?

Surgery and reopened wound?

I am a 33-year-old female with 3 children, and we are very active! On May 30th I had to go to the ER for a laceration on the top of my foot. I disclosed from about an inch below...

Can physical therapy help bulging discs?

I have a bulging disc. Can physical therapy help bulging discs?

Should I get a physical therapy for knee arthritis?

I have knee arthritis. Should I get physical therapy for knee arthritis?

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