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Can tooth infection heal without a root canal?

I have a tooth infection. Can tooth infection heal without a root canal?

What pain medications help with root canal pain?

I had a root canal 2 days ago. It hurts. What pain medications help with root canal pain?

Can I get a filling on a root canal?

I will have a root canal procedure. Can I get a filling on a root canal?

Will a root canal tooth last a lifetime?

I had a root canal 2years ago. Will a root canal tooth last a lifetime?

How long does it take for a root canal tooth to darken?

I will have a root canal. How long does it take for a root canal tooth to darken?

Can I get a composite veneer on a tooth with a root canal?

I have a tooth with a root canal. Can I get a composite veneer on a tooth with a root canal?

Can a tooth with a root canal be whitened?

I have a tooth with a root canal. Can a tooth with a root canal be whitened?

How many days after a root canal can you workout?

I had a root canal 3 days ago. How many days after a root canal can you workout?

What pain medications can I take after a root canal?

I will have a root canal procedure. What pain medications can I take after a root canal?

Do you need to rest after a root canal?

I will have a root canal. Do you need to rest after a root canal?

What mouthwash is best after a root canal?

I had a root canal yesterday. What mouthwash is best after a root canal?

How painful is a root canal procedure?

I will have a root canal. How painful is a root canal?

Can a root canal cause tooth damage?

I will have a root canal procedure. Can a root canal cause tooth damage?

How long after root canal I will get a crown?

I had a root canal 2 days ago. How long after root canal I will get a crown?

Should I take antibiotics after a root canal?

I will have a root canal procedure. Should I take antibiotics after a root canal?

I feel pressure in my extraction socket?

I just wanted to know if it's normal to feel pressure in my tooth extraction socket after 4 days.

While healing from a dental bone graft, can you get cavities in other teeth treated, or have a full-mouth x-ray (or CBCT) taken?

Regarding a dental bone graft done after tooth extraction in preparation for a future implant. When you have a dental bone graft that is healing, can (potential) cavities in other...

Dry socket after wisdom teeth removal?

This is day 8 now I got diagnosed with a dry socket on day 3, it has been a while. The pain is not getting any better. I've gone to many doctors and they say that it will get...

How long is root canal pain?

I had a root canal 2 days ago. It still hurts. How long is root canal pain?

Can I drink alcohol after a root canal procedure?

I will have a root canal. Can I drink alcohol after a root canal procedure?

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