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Stomach pain?

I have lately been having a lot of pain on my lower left part of my abdomen. Sometimes the pain is as though there is something hard there and other times it's like something...

Lower abdominal pain?

I sometimes have pain in my lower abdomen, below the waist, usually on the right side, just above the thigh. It happened this morning after a bowel movement.

Whats wrong with me?

I have stabbing stomach pain. I haven't had a period in a month but I'm not pregnant. Is the bleeding from the uterus?

I desperately need help?

For the last few years, I've been having reccuring stomach problems. Mostly severe burning that goes through to my back between my shoulder blades. Ive been to the ER several...

How long does it take to get well after abdominal hernia surgery?

I will have abdominal hernia surgery. How long does it take to get well after abdominal hernia surgery?

Why is my stomach bigger after abdominal hernia surgery?

I had abdominal hernia surgery 2 weeks ago. Why is my stomach bigger after abdominal hernia surgery?

Do you get sedation for hernia surgery?

I will have abdominal hernia surgery. Do you get sedation for hernia surgery?

Is a CT scan of the abdomen accurate?

I will have an abdomen CT scan. Is a CT scan of the abdomen accurate?

Bad abdomen pains?

I'm fine one minute then I have horrible pains. Then next it's like having my right testicle put in a vice. It starts off with a pain level of 2 then it goes to a 15 within minutes....

Complication after c section?

I want to ask a question about my wife's health. My wife had a c section two weeks before, but she was suffering from a lot of pain after Day 1. Today she felt that her stomach...

Burning sensation?

I started off with a burning sensation in my lower abdomen which was very mild, but the next day in the evening it moved to my legs, arms, torso, and face. I was put on Trepiline...

Do you know if I have a urinary infection?

My lower abdomen has been hurting for 3 days, and my urine is cloudy.

How do you deal with an aggressive child?

My daughter is very aggressive. How do you deal with an aggressive child?

How soon can I walk after abdominal hernia surgery?

I will have abdominal hernia surgery. How soon can I walk after abdominal hernia surgery?

How long does it take to get abdominal CT results?

I will have an abdominal CT scan. How long does it take to get abdominal CT results?

Sharp pelvic pain?

I have a sharp pain in the lower right part of my stomach, a sharp pelvic pain.

What is that in my abdomen?

I went to have a follow-up for the x-ray on my spine because of the nerve damage I suffered in childbirth 2 years ago. Something strange showed up on x-ray in my abdomen but the...

Diarrhea from surgery?

I had a ruptured appendix and had it removed. After months of infections, a CT scan revealed I had a Fistula Infection (hole in my colon). I went back in for surgery. . . cut...

How long can you wait to have hernia surgery?

I was diagnosed with an abdominal hernia. How long can you wait to have hernia surgery?

How do you know if a hernia needs surgery?

I was diagnosed with an inguinal hernia. How do you know if a hernia needs surgery?

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